Friday 8 September 2017

Message from Head of Junior School - September 8, 2017

Dear JS Parents,

What a wonderful first week!  It has been so lovely to see the girls back in the halls of the Junior School.  While there are some obvious changes, due to the build, the positive energy is evident in the smiling faces of the students, faculty, and parents. 

Please be sure to read the information below carefully, as it will be of assistance going forward.

As always, please feel free to contact me directly, or connect with the Junior School Office should you have any questions.

Kate White

Please Note:                                                                      

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

With the first week of school under our belt, you will have noticed some changes to our drop-off and pick-up procedures.  We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to refine this process, to ensure it is as safe and effective as possible. Please know that we are exploring additional alternatives to parking and will provide you with regular updates. Here are some tips to help you:  

Three steps to a successful drop-off:
  1. Stay in your vehicle
  2. Have your daughter exit the vehicle on the curbside only
  3. Have your daughters backpack and school materials in the backseat, ready for a quick drop-off
Three steps to a successful Pick-Up:
  1. Arrive at school during your designated pick-up time
    •  JK – Grade 2:  3:15 – 3:30
    • Grade 3 – Grade 6 & Siblings:  3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  2. Stay in your vehicle
  3. If you arrive early, and your pick-up time is not until 3:30 p.m., you are invited to park on one of the side streets, or at the lower level of the US Parking Lot.  You may then drive back to the JS when it is your pick-up time, or walk over and collect your daughter. 

Please note:
  • JK and SK students may now be dropped off and picked up at the JS main entrance.  They will be accompanied into and out of the school.
  • If there are changes to your pick-up routines you are required to call the JS Office (416.483.3843 ext 6608)
  • There are designated parking spaces for JS parents at the Upper School Parking Lot.  Should you choose to park there, simply walk across the bridge to the Junior School. 


  • The new JS play structure for JK – Grade 2 is near to completion!  When this occurs, the students will once again have access to the upper part of the playground, in addition to the lower pitch.
  • Sports equipment has been purchased for the girls to play with during recess and will be placed in the Lower Pitch as soon as the new play structure has been completed.

  • If you want your daughter to leave the school and walk home or take public transit by herself on a regular basis, we must have written permission. You are welcome to send an email to describing permission/walk home arrangements.
  • We must also have written permission if your child takes a school bus that you have arranged through an outside vendor. Understandably, on occasion, there are special circumstances whereby you may not be able to collect your daughter and, on short notice, you would like for her to walk home. In these one-off situations, your daughter is required to sign-out in the Main Office before leaving campus.

  • Gator Care is up and running! Thank you to everyone for following through with the new registration procedures.  This process allows us to better ensure the safety of all of our girls.  Morning care opens at 7:15am.
  • To register for Gator Care, or to ask any questions please email:
  • The JS Shop will not be open during the month of September.  Due to high volumes at the Shop during the first week back to school, we can’t accept orders via email or phone message.  Those parents requiring uniform items must visit the shop in person at the Upper School.  The daily hours, Monday-Friday are: 8am-1pm and 2pm-4pm.   Beginning September 11th, orders will be accepted via email only and the items will be sent to the JS office within 3 business days.

Junior School People and Program Night 2017 
September 12, 2017

Parents are invited and encouraged to attend the JS People and Program Evening on Wednesday, September 12, starting at 6:00 pm. This evening is designed for you to meet your daughter's teacher and to learn about the year ahead. 

A brief outline of the evening is as follows:

6:00 pm - 6:20 pm (20 mins)
·         Veracross Training for Parents (OPTIONAL)
·         Location: Gym

6:30 pm – 7:00 pm (30 mins)
·         Primary Classroom Curriculum Presentations (JK - Grade 3)
o    Junior Specialist Presentations in Learning Hub (Grades 4 - 6)
o    Come and meet the specialist teachers and hear about their programs
7:05 pm – 7:35 pm (30 min)
·         “Havergal Experience” presentation in the Gym (JK - Grade 6)
o    Mrs. Helen-Kay Davy, Principal of Havergal College: Welcome Message
o    Ms. Kate White, Interim Head, Junior School
o    Seonaid Davis, VP Teaching and Learning

7:40 pm – 8:10 pm
·         Junior Classroom Curriculum Presentations (Grades 4 - 6)
·         Primary Specialist Presentations in Learning Hub (Grades 1 - 3)

o    Come and meet the specialist teachers and hear about their programs

PLEASE NOTE: There is limited parking in the Upper School lot for this evening.  A pedestrian bridge is located between the JS and US. Please enter through the main doors off Rosewell Avenue. 

Welcome back from the Havergal College Parent’s Association!  Our volunteers are hard at work planning events and activities to increase our parent Community engagement.  We have many volunteer opportunities and if you are interested in getting involved, please email

Celebration Saturday is only 2 weeks away!  Please volunteer for this amazing event!  We need 100 volunteers on Sat, Sept 23 Please click on the volunteer link below and choose the time and location of your shift.  Choose as many as you like, the event runs all morning (rain or shine).  This is a fun filled Havergal day that supports our community partners.  The event takes place on the Upper School property.

The Volunteer link for Celebration Saturday (“Cel Sat”) 2017 
(Please note: this form will close on Wed, September 20 at 11:45 pm.)
We also need auction items this week. Please feel free to donate something wonderful to the school for Celebration Saturday’s auction.   Examples are electronics, trips, tickets, gift cards etc.   Auction items can be dropped off at the Upper School Security Desk.  Please label “for Cel Sat Auction”.

All students, parents and Old Girls will also have the opportunity to purchase their own Lazypants-branded Havergal Hoodies which are in limited supply!


I hope you enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing summer. It’s hard to believe we are about to kick off the school year! SCS is excited to start the new year by welcoming the first guest in our LINCWell Speaker Series – Julie Lythcott-Haims, the author of How to Raise an Adult, will join us on Tuesday, September 26.  

This is a very relevant talk for both parents and educators. Julie’s provocative manifesto draws on research, on conversations with admissions officers, educators, and employers, and on her own insights as a mother and former dean at Stanford to highlight the harms of overparenting. She instead sets forth an alternative philosophy for raising children, preteens, and teenagers to self-sufficient young adulthood. While empathizing with the hopes and fears that lead to helicopter parenting, Julie will offer practical alternative strategies to allow children to make their own mistakes and develop the resilience and inner determination necessary for success.

As Julie herself says, “Our job as parents is to put ourselves out of a job.” I hope you can join us for this important discussion!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Powell Hall at St. Clement’s School
21 St. Clements Avenue

Reserve your seats now for this complimentary event:   

Thank you,
Martha Perry ’85
416 483 4414 x2224


Welcome back to all of our athletes!

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer break, and I am looking forward to hearing about the girls’ adventures.

Mine was lovely, travelling through the South of France, hiking in the Selkirk Mountains, wakesurfing in Ontario, and going on lots of runs with my border collie.
I feel blessed and rejuvenated for our 2017–2018 school year!

For our athletic program, we encourage all new students to actively participate.
We have a great variety of teams and clubs, there is something for everyone!

Here are the details and options for each grade this fall term:

Grades 1,2,3 may join both:
Multisport   and/or      cross country

Grade 4 may join:     
Cross country or swim squad
Basketball Squad or Soccer Squad

Grade 5 may tryout for:
Swim team + U11 basketball Green Team or U11/U12 Soccer Green Team
Cross country + U11 basketball Green Team or U11/U12 Soccer Green Team
Choose to join up to 2 squad teams (swim, soccer, basketball)

If your daughter trysout for a team and does not make the team, she can then join the squad if she wants to.

 Grade 6 may tryout for:
Swim team + U12 Basketball team or soccer team
Cross country + U12 basketball team or soccer team
Choose to join up to 2 squad teams (swim, soccer, basketball)

* U12 D1 Green and D2 Gold Basketball teams will tryout together and so it doesn’t matter which team you registered for. Your daughter can inform the coaches which team is their preference.

* If your daughter trysout for a team and does not make the team, she can then join the squad if she wants to.

Private Music Lesson Instruction

    This Week at Havergal Junior School                           

    Monday, September 11 (Day 4)

    • JS Photo Day (8:00am-12:00pm)                                **Students must wear their #1 Dress Uniform
    • ATHL: JS/US Fall Athletic Online Registration Closes
    • ATHL: JS/US Fall Athletic Tryouts September 11th-22nd

    • U11/U12 Soccer tryout #1 3:45 – 4:45pm (meet outside the Junior School gym)

    Tuesday, September 12 (Day 5)
    • JK-Gr.6 People and Program Evening (6:00pm-8:30pm)


    • U11/U12 Swim Team 1st tryout in Pool 7am – 8am (drop off at Upper School Main entrance. Coaches will meet girls in front foyer)
    • Cross Country for all grades 7:20 – 8am (meet coaches outside the Junior School Front Doors)
    • Multisport has been postponed due to People and Program night. Multisport will now start on Tuesday September 19th
    • U12 Green and Gold Basketball Tryout together in JS gym 7am – 8am (meet outside the Junior School gym)

    Wednesday, September 13 (Day 6)

    • Sept 13-15 : Grade 6 Student Overnight Excursion to Beausoleil Island (Departs Sept 13th at 7:30am)


    •  U11 Green Basketball tryout 7-8am (meet outside JS gym)
    • Basketball Squad for grades 4,5,6 3:45 – 4:45pm (meet outside JS gym)
    • Soccer Squad for grades 4,5,6 3:45 -4:45pm on Lower Pitch (meet outside JS gym)

    Thursday, September 14 (Day 7)
    • Sept 13-15 : Grade 6 Student Overnight Excursion to Beausoleil Island 


    •        U11/U12 Swim Team 1st tryout in Pool 7am – 8am (drop off at Upper School Main entrance. Coaches will meet girls in front foyer)
    •         Swim Squad Grades 4,5,6 in Pool 7am – 8am (drop off at Upper School Main entrance. Coaches will meet girls in front foyer)
    •        Cross Country for all grades 7:20 – 8am (meet coaches outside the Junior School Front Doors)
    •         U11/U12 Soccer tryout 3:45 – 4:45pm (meet outside the Junior School gym)
    •        U11 Green Basketball tryout 3:45-4:45pm (meet outside JS gym – you’ll walk over to Upper School gym together)

    Friday, September 15 (Day 8)
    • Sept 13-15 : Grade 6 Student Overnight Excursion to Beausoleil Island (Returns Sept 15th at 3:30pm)




    Tuesday, October 3
    New to Havergal Parents' Dinner JK-Gr.12 (6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.)

    Friday, October 6
    JS Harvest Festival (8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.)
    JS Harvest Festival Reception (9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.)

    Monday, October 9 Thanksgiving

    Tuesday, October 10
    - Day 9 - Special Schedule

    Thursday, October 19
    JS Open House Tours (8:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.)

    Friday, October 20

    Monday, October 23
    JS/US Winter Athletic Online Registration Opens

    Thursday, October 26
    - Parent-Teacher Conferences (1:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.)

    Friday, October 27
    Parent-Teacher Conferences (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
    - No Classes

    Tuesday, October 31
    JS Halloween Assembly (2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.) 
