Friday 29 September 2017

Message from Head of Junior School - September 29, 2017

Dear JS Parents,

It is hard to imagine, but today is the end of our fourth week of school!  To mark this occasion, we have been reflecting in prayers and in class about how we think we have been doing as individuals and as a community during this time. 

The girls have identified some key areas where they are thriving.  For example, they are greeting one another and visitors as they walk through the school.  They are remembering to open doors for others, and they are using their manners when asking for help.  The girls also identified areas that require additional work.  For example, students noted the amount of garbage that is being left on the ground at recess, the need to focus on walking through the halls, and taking ownership when we make a mistake.  

Here are some questions for you reflect on with your daughter over the weekend.

  • When you make a mistake, what can you do to resolve it? Is saying sorry enough?
  • If someone tells you a rumour, what could you say to them?
  • What is one thing that you can do to contribute to your school community?

Kate White

Please Note:                                                                      

Monday, October 2nd is Pizza Day!

Thank-you to all the students, families, friends and staff for participating at Cel Sat last Saturday!  Thank-you to all our volunteers!  You guys made the day a success. It was a joy to see everyone enjoy the day and support the school's community partners. 

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6 AT 8:30 a.m.
The Junior School annual Harvest Festival takes place on Friday, October 6 at 8:30 in the Brenda Robson Hall (Upper School). Parents, family members, and guests are invited to a coffee reception in the Temerty Commons immediately following the service. 

As part of our community partnerships, teachers and students are asked to make an offering of non-perishable food items for the North York Harvest Food Bank Collection. As is the tradition, these offerings are placed in decorated baskets and walked to the Upper School by the JS students. Students in Grades 1-6 are asked to decorate at home a basket (eg: a simple recyclable cardboard fruit/veggie basket that can be found at the grocery store), place their offerings in it and bring it to school by Thursday, October 5. Students in JK and SK will decorate a basket together in class at school. Kindergarten students are asked to bring in their non-perishable food items.

This formal service is an ideal and heart-warming start to the Thanksgiving break and a wonderful way for our community to gather and celebrate all that we have to be thankful for. We hope to welcome you and all your family members!

Students are asked to adhere to the following "#1 Concert Dress" consisting of:

  • Grade JK, SK, 1, 2, 3: long sleeve white shirt, tunic, HC tie, green tights & black shoes
  • Grade 4: long sleeve white shirt, tunic, HC tie, green tights &  black shoes
  • Grade 5 & 6: long sleeve white shirt, kilt, HC tie, green tights & black shoes

·    Special attention to hair - it should be pinned back from the face using a hair accessory without colour, sparkles or embellishments. Girls are permitted to wear small pins or a headband that matches their natural hair colour. Hair accessories in the Havergal colours, House colours, or any colour other than her natural hair colour is not permitted during the performance.


As we prepare for continued construction, we anticipate the following work at the Junior School:
  • Necessary site services review from the City of Toronto and other parties.
  • Temporary parking lot development on Cohen Field, to accommodate on-site traffic during the construction project.
  • Installation of decals on the new glass window panels in the Kindergarten classrooms, to promote further safety.
Lastly, we are awaiting some outstanding permits from the City of Toronto. Once the remaining permits have been received, we will share another update with you. Our goal remains to complete our project in 2019, to coincide with Havergal’s 125th anniversary.

Thank you kindly for your patience, cooperation and support as we work to improve the Havergal experience and ensure it continues to be extraordinary!

Tuesday, October 10

Day 9s are opportunities to align values and mission through curated, co-created experiences with faculty and students. These are experiential opportunities designed to foster curiosity and broaden the Havergal education with authentic experiences. 

Minds Set Free – Grades 5-8
We are excited to introduce the Minds Set Free Day 9 Program. This new initiative is an important component of the Havergal 2020 Strategic Plan which seeks to “increase opportunities for deeper exploration through project-based, interdisciplinary approaches and by connecting students with the expertise and interests of our parent and alumnae community.” Day 9s are a chance for us to fulfil this mandate by breaking away from our regular timetable and providing students with opportunities to broaden their knowledge and to participate in new experiences.

Keeping this is mind, at our first Day 9 on Tuesday October 10th, students in Grades 5-8 will be learning about the passions, purposes, and skills of over 20 guest speakers from our alumnae and parent community. In the afternoon, Future Design School will facilitate workshops with students to help them hone in on a passion project that they will continue to work on throughout the school year.

On future Day 9s, students in Grades 5-8 will visit the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto and select from a variety of workshops such as Pattern Play, Visual Storytelling, and Yoga. Grades 5 and 6 will travel to the museum on November 28th and Grades 7 and 8 will travel on February 15th. On the Day 9s that these grades are not at the Aga Khan Museum, students will be given the opportunity to choose from a variety of activities that are designed specifically for their age group. Some examples are a Hackathon, The Art of Science Workshop, and a Dragon’s Den Stem Workshop. We look forward to providing students with opportunities to broaden their knowledge, participate in new experiences, and set their minds free.

Breaking the Marble Spell – Junior Kindergarten to Grade 4
Day 9s are a new initiative to Havergal College. They provide time for all of our students from JK to Grade 12 to further engage in authentic experiences that align with the mission and values of the school. They are an opportunity for our students to explore the world around them, to discover their passions, and to participate in hands-on learning experiences.

For our younger students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 4, we have designed programs that focus on experiences that will be meaningful to their character development and appreciation for the world around them. These are as follows:
  • Kindergarten:
    • Exploration of Havergal College’s natural environment, outdoor spaces, and ravine.
  • Grades 1 & 2
    •  High Park combines extensive natural areas with maintained parkland, recreational facilities and popular attractions for a unique urban park experience that can be enjoyed year-round. Students in Grades 1 & 2 will have the opportunity to explore High Park four times throughout the year, noting changes throughout the seasons.  They will also participate in a variety of community building activities to strengthen their peer relationships.
  • Grade 3
    •  Each Day 9, students in Grade 3 will explore a different community in the GTA, from the North, South, East and West.  For their first Day 9, they will make their way to Toronto Island, and have the opportunity to look at their city from their southern-most point.  While there, they will engage in community building activities that ask them to consider the needs of others, and how they contribute to their community.
  • Grade 4
    •  Students will participate in drama workshops and will be viewing a play with Young Peoples’ Theatre (YPT). The workshops and play challenge our students to consider their own values, as well as how to develop the confidence to stick to them.
We invite you to examine the “Breaking the Marble Spell” Day 9 installation located inside the entrance of the Junior School.

Thank you,
Jennifer Patterson, Antonio Nardi, Rachel Read – Minds Set Free (Grades 5-8)
Kate White, Rosa Mastri, Patrizia Rizzo – Breaking the Marble Spell (Grades JK-4)

At the Junior School, we aim to motivate and empower Havergal girls to engage with mathematics in different ways, in order to improve their understanding and confidence in thinking about and doing mathematics. Using these online learning environments, Havergal girls have unlimited access to mathematics learning, review practice and enrichment at their level of mathematical readiness and curiosity. The girls are encouraged to use both programs daily at home, as part of their study routine.
Visit the link below for more details:

PLEASE participate in our School-wide fundraiser in support of our Community Partners and enjoy the goodies offered by our friends at Sweets from the Earth. Sales are ongoing and will close on October 10 at 5 p.m. Pick up for both the Junior School and Upper School will be at Havergal in the Temerty Commons from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 2, 2017.  Share the link with your family, friends and neighbours and ENJOY!  

Lazypants Havergal Hoodies
Our Havergal Lazypants hoodies are a comfortable and fun way to show school spirit. It’s not too late to get one for yourself. The HCPA will send out more information in the next couple of weeks on how and when you can order yours.

It may only be September, but it’s never too early to get into the holiday spirit. The HCPA is pleased to be selling chocolate peppermint bark as a fundraiser to support the Limitless Campaign. Orders will be available well in time for the holiday season. We will send out more information soon. 

Our valued community partner New Circles has asked for our help! They are in need of new or gently used Halloween costumes for children of all ages. If you can help support this Spooktacular event, please drop the costumes off in the bins outside of the Learning Hub before October 18. As always, your contributions are very much appreciated.

Two Grade 3 students spoke in prayers this morning about an issue to close to their heart.  One of these students recently adopted a dog, and found out that the shelter they had worked with was in desperate need of blankets, towels, beds, and toys (especially Kong and rope toys). If you have any one of these items, please drop them off in the bin outside the Learning Hub.

Current and Used Textbook Returns for the 2017-18 School Year
The HCPA is hosting another textbook collection on October 17, from 7:30 am to 1 pm, in the Ellen Knox Library. Students may return books they no longer need that were purchased for this academic year. Before dropping off textbooks in the Legacy Theatre, students need to call Canadian School Book Exchange (CSBE) at 905-828-7200 to obtain a Return Authorization Number. Also, please note that books of any nature, including textbooks no longer used at HC, children's books and general interest books and fiction, will also be accepted on consignment on that date. For questions, contact

Morning & Afternoon Volunteers needed!  
Junior School Moms & Dads,
Do you have 15 - 30 minutes to help out at drop off or pick up?  We need extra hands to open card doors and make sure the JS girls (especially our little SK and JK girls) are getting out from their cars so parents don't have to park in the driveway and get out to open doors for the little ones.  

Please click on the link below and sign up for a morning 30-minute or afternoon 15-minute slot!

  • Clubs begin the week of October 16

    This Week at Havergal Junior School              

    Monday, October 2 (Day 3)
    • 8:25 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.  JS Prayers (Kate White - Gratitude)
    • 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.  JS Pizza Lunch
    • 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.  GAME: U11 Basketball (Green) @ **HAVERGAL COLLEGE**
      • Start Time: 4:00 pm
      • Dismissal: regular time 3:20 pm
      • Location: Havergal Junior School Gymnasium
    • 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.  GAME: U12 Basketball (Gold) @ Toronto French School
      • Class dismissal: 3:00 pm
      • Bus departure: 3:15 pm (sharing a bus with u11 basketball)
      • Game time: 4:00 - 4:45 pm
      • Bus departure from destination: 5:00 pm
      • Bus return to Havergal approximate time: 5:15 pm
    • 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.  GAME: U11/U12 Soccer (Green) @ Branksome Hall
      • Class dismissal: 3:00 pm
      • Bus departure: 3:15 pm
      • Game time: 4:00 - 5:00 pm
      • Bus departure from destination: 5:15 pm
      • Bus return to Havergal approximate time: 5:30 pm

    Tuesday, October 3 (Day 4)
    • 6:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.   PR: U11/12 Swim
    • 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.   PR: U12 Basketball (Green) in JS gym
    • 7:20 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.   PR: Cross Country (Grades 1-6)
    • 8:25 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Harvest Festival Choral Rehearsal
    • 3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.   Junior Choir Rehearsal
    • 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.   Multisport Squad
    • 6:00pm- 8:30pm  New to Havergal Parents' Dinner JK-Gr.12

    Wednesday, October 4 (Day 5)
    • 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.   PR: U11 Basketball (Green) in JS gym
    • 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.   MEET: U11/U12 Swim Team Meet @Branksome Hall
      • Class dismissal: 11:45 pm (girls eat lunch outside of phys ed office)
      • Bus departure: 12:15 pm
      • Meet arrival: 12:35 pm
      • Meet start: 2:00 pm
      • Bus departure from destination: 4:00 pm
      • Bus return to Havergal approximate time: 4:20 pm
    • 3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.   Primary Choir Rehearsal
    • 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.   Basketball Squad
    • 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.  Soccer Squad

      Thursday, October 5 (Day 6)
      • #1 Dress Uniform
      • 6:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.   PR: U11/U12 Swim
      • 6:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.   Swim Squad
      • 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.  JS Prayers
      • 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.  MEET: Cross Country (Grades 3-6) @ Sunnybrook Park
        • Class dismissal: 11:45 pm
        • Bus departure: 12:15 pm
        • Meet arrival: 12:40 pm
        • Meet start: 1:30 pm
        • Bus departure from destination: 3:40 pm
        • Bus return to Havergal approximate time: 4:00 pm
      • 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.  U11 Basketball (Green) Upper School Gym C
      • 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. PR: U11/U12 Soccer (Green)
      • 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.  PR: U11 Basketball (Green) Upper School Gym C
      • 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.  PR: U12 D1 Basketball (Green) Upper School Gym A/B
      • 3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.  PR: U12 D2 Basketball (Gold) Upper School Gym A/B

      Friday, October 6 (Day 7)
      • 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.  JS Harvest Festival
      • 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.  JS Harvest Festival Reception
      • 3:30 p.m. Whole school closes


      Monday, October 9 Thanksgiving

      Tuesday, October 10
      Day 9 - Special Schedule

      Monday, October 16
      JS Photo Retakes
      - Clubs start this week!

      Thursday, October 19
      JS Open House Tours (8:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.)

      Friday, October 20

      Monday, October 23
      JS/US Winter Athletic Online Registration Opens

      Thursday, October 26
      Parent-Teacher Conferences (1:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.)

      Friday, October 27
      Parent-Teacher Conferences (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
      - No Classes

      Tuesday, October 31
      JS Halloween Assembly (2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.)

      Monday, November 6
      JS Remembrance Day Service (8:30 a.m.- 9 a.m.)

      Tuesday, November 7 - School closes for Midterm Break @ 3:30pm

      Wednesday, November 8 - Monday, November 13 - Midterm Break - NO CLASSES

      Tuesday, November 14 - Classes resume

      Monday, November 20 - Friday, December 1st - JS Winter Athletic Tryouts