Friday 26 February 2016

Message From the Head of Junior School: February 26, 2016

Dear Parents,
I am struggling to find words to express how wonderful this past week has been, especially yesterday. The parent presence in, and support for the Junior School has been absolutely tremendous. Even though Mother Nature threw everything she had at us, with bouts of rain, snow, sleet, wind, and slippery ice, attendance at yesterday's first ever Parent Conference surpassed our high expectations. The school was alive all day long and into the afternoon and evening as you joined us for Parent/Teacher Interviews. Thank you for coming to meet with the 'front line' - your daughter's educators.

Which brings me to our first JS Great Bake Sale! How can I even express how AWESOME our Great Bake Sale was? We are in the process of tallying up the actual dollar figure that will finance the purchase of an item for our Robotics Program in the Junior School, but I can assure you - it will be a very high dollar amount! The donations from vendors and the home baked items were astounding, not only in the enormous volume that we received, but in the gourmet quality of goods and professional presentation. The mouth watering display of goods was hard to resist and hugely enjoyed by all. I can honestly say that we are humbled by the generosity of all our parents who whole heartedly supported this JS Great Bake Sale, from the organizers and volunteers to those who stood in line to make their purchases and take home their treats.
Leslie Anne Dexter
As you will see in the 'Dates You Need To Know' section below, we have moved the March Pizza Lunch date from Monday, March 7 to Friday March 11 to coincide with 'JS Pi Day'. You may recall seeing an auction item at Celebration Saturday where some lucky girls purchased the opportunity to throw a pie at a JS teacher. Eight girls will limber up, get their pitching arm ready and give it their all as they toss a pie at a teacher after the JS Pizza Lunch on Friday, March 11. Please remember to send a lunch to school on Monday, March 7 or order from Rose Reisman Catering.

A heartfelt thank you to all the moms who came out last week to support the JSMNO 2016 get-together. Terroni's will never be the same! So many fantastic women celebrating such an incredible school community. There are a lot of people who deserve mentioning:
  • Thank you to Terroni's for the never-ending food and the free flowing refreshments.
  • Thanks also to our four vendor teams - Jaxx & Marbles Belts, Merben International, Canopy Blue and Touch of Gem - they were a fabulous addition to the evening.
  • Final thanks must go to Take My Photo, photo-booth. The grade photos were an excellent touch and a terrific memento of our evening together.
Nights like JSMNO are always worth attending and well worth the time and effort put into the planning process. Thanks for having fun with us!

JS Winter Teams:
Congratulations to the Swim Team for bringing their best efforts to the pool on Wednesday for their season championship meet. We are proud of all our swimmers and extend special congratulations to the U11 team members who won their division! Thank you to coaches Andy Lucacescu and Laura Campbell for their dedication and passion and all the many hours they have spent with this special team. Good luck to all three of our Volleyball Teams this weekend as they play in their final championship games.

Online Registration - JS Spring Teams:
We are pleased to announce that the JS will continue online registration for the spring season. Thank you to parents and students for providing valuable feedback from the winter sign-up. The spring athletics sign-up link will be available on both your parent portal and your daughter's Veracross home page. Registration will open on Monday, February 29. I will send all parents of girls in grades 4-6 an email with additional details on Monday regarding the online registration process.

JS Spring Teams:
  • Grades 4-6 Track & Field Team
  • Grade 5/6 Softball Team (1 team)
Squad Program - JS Spring Session:
We are happy to be able to offer squad activities afterschools on Mondays - Thursdays over the spring session. The Squad Teams and Squads allow our girls to get to know how their bodies move and react while in an environment that promotes team dynamics and enjoyment of healthy, active choices. More information about all activities can be found on the co-curricular sign-up form that was sent home this week. Please ensure that your daughter's form is returned before Friday, March 4.

Squad Teams Junior Division: Grades 4-6
  • Basketball Squad Team on Mondays
  • Softball Squad Team on Wednesdays
Squad Teams Primary Division: Grades 1-3
  • Squad Yoga on Tuesdays
  • Squad Karate on Thursdays

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) IN THE JUNIOR NEEDS YOUR HELP

Do you have any of the above to share/donate? Mrs. Carayannis and Mr. Reiter are working on a fun math-based activity and are looking for your support. They need working locks and other lockable items (with codes), such as multi-digit locks, word locks, lockable briefcases, portable safes, door locks, etc. We are hoping to have this collection ready by Friday, March 4. Feel free to drop off any items you can spare in front of room 210 (Science Room), on the second floor or the main office. If you would like your item returned, please flag it with a note with your name and contact details. Stay tuned for more information on this fun and exciting project.

This week the Havergal College Parent Association (HCPA) sent out a list of open volunteer chair positions for the 2016-17 school year. Any member of the Havergal College community can nominate themselves or a friend. The HCPA plays a role in convening grade reps and volunteers as well as planning a number of activities such as Celebration Saturday, the Parent Luncheon, Used Textbooks Sale, and other special events. It is a great way for parent volunteers to be involved at the school. You will receive an email from your Grade Reps outlining the positions and how to submit names. Should you be interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact the HCPA Chair, Laurie Hay, at

During the week of March 7-11, the Learning Hub will be hosting the Mabel's Fables Book Fair. This is always an exciting time in the Junior School as they bring an excellent array of high quality children's literature to choose from - and just in time for March Break!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the fair will be set up for browsing. Students will have scheduled times to  browse and fill out wish lists to bring home. On Thursday and Friday a Mabel's Fables staff member will be here to collect payments. Students will again have a scheduled time to make purchases. Parents are welcome anytime to browse and purchase.

The Learning Hub directly benefits from the fair, as we receive a portion of the sales that goes toward new books for our collection. Mabel's Fables will accept Visa, MasterCard, cash or a cheque made payable to Mabel's Fables. If you have any questions, please contact Erica Rodd at or by phone at 416-483-3843, extension 7544.

HC will support the Children's Book Bank by running a book drive during the week of February 29-March 4. Please consider donating gently used children's books that your family has outgrown so that other children in high needs Toronto communities may enjoy them. Important to note: donated books should be gently used, suitable for children up to grade six and printed within the last ten years. No teen or adult books please. Collection will take place in bins outside the Learning Hub, please direct your questions to Erica Rodd at or by phone at 416-483-3843, extension 7544.
ABT Ballet: February 29, March 7 @ times advised by Ms. Wade
Chess Lunch Club: February 29, March 7 @ 11:50-12:50 pm
Squad Volleyball Team: February 29, March 7 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Brain Busters + SIT/Primary: March 1 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Games Galore Club: March 1, 8 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Junior Choir: @ 3:30-4:15 pm, for dates please refer to email from Mr. MacLean
Ukulele Club + SIT/Junior: March 2 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Primary Choir: @ 3:45-4:30 pm, for dates please refer to email from Mr. MacLean
Crafty Science, Lego Engineering & Photojournalist's Clubs + Squad Karate: March 3, 10 @ 3:45-4:45 pm

Tuesday, March 1: Grade 6 Parent Coffee Morning, contact your Grade Rep for details
Thursday, March 3: Grade 5 Parent Coffee Morning, contact your Grade Rep for details
Monday, March 7: JS Pizza Lunch @ 11:50-12:50 pm * NOTE DATE CHANGE TO 3/11/16
Monday, March 7 - Friday, March 11: JS Mabel's Fables Book Fair
Wednesday, March 9: JS Grade Rep Meeting @ 8:30-9:30 am
Thursday, March 10: JS locker/cubby clean out
Friday, March 11: JS Pizza Lunch @ 11:50-12:50 pm * NOTE DATE CHANGE
Friday, March 11: JS closes @ 3:30 pm, aftercare available until 6:00 pm
Monday, March 14 - Monday, March 28: Spring Break/Easter Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, March 29: Back to school!
Wednesday, March 30: Grade 6 Lunch @ US Hawkin's Dining Hall