Friday 19 February 2016

Message From the Head of Junior School: February 19, 2016

Dear Parents,

This past Wednesday, February 17 the Junior School hosted a Starbooks Parent Information session with a focus on HC Athletic Philosophy. The purpose was to provide an overview of how the students progress from the Junior School to the Upper School. The information shared was extremely valuable and would be of great interest to all JS families. Sincere thanks to HC Athletic Directors - Annie Maki (JS) and Jackie Suongas (US) for sharing their presentation with the entire community. Please click on the following link to view their PowerPoint presentation:

Leslie Anne Dexter

During the week of February 22, the Havergal College Parent Association (HCPA) will be sending out a list of open volunteer chair positions for the 2016-17 school year. Any member of the Havergal College community can nominate themselves or a friend. The HCPA plays a role in convening grade reps and volunteers as well as planning a number of activities such as Celebration Saturday, the Parent Luncheon, Used Textbooks, and Special Events. It is a great way for parent volunteers to be involved at the school. Next week, you will receive an email from your Grade Reps outlining the positions and how to submit names. Should you be interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact the HCPA Chair, Laurie Hay, at

Spring is just around the corner! Along with it, we have put together a selection of co-curricular club and athletic activities to engage your daughter after the school day, (exception: Chess Club offered at lunch). On Monday your daughter will receive a sign-up form to indicate her choices for the spring months.

Students in Grades JK-12 are invited to wear a pink shirt on top of their uniform on Wednesday, February 24, in recognition of national "Pink Shirt Day". This is a day where students across the country unite in the name of kindness, and stand up against bullying. Prayers on Monday, February 22 will focus on the purpose of this day, providing students with a deeper understanding of how this day came about, and what we can do individually and as a group to build a strong community where the HC values of Integrity, Inquiry, Compassion and Courage thrive.

Teachers are looking forward to speaking with parents on Thursday, February 25 between 3:20-8:00 pm. Please note that students will be dismissed at 2:40 pm on this day. Gator Care will be available from 2:40-6:00 pm.

PARENT LEARNING CONFERENCE - Note: New Location - Brenda Robson Hall
Combining Character Development and Intellectual Development: A Startling Conclusion of the Recent Brain Research
"Every interaction a child has, during the course of a day, influences the adult that child will become." - Dr. JoAnn Deak
On Thursday, February 25 we welcome Dr. JoAnn Deak to lead our first ever day-long Parent Learning Conference. The session runs from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm in the Brenda Robson Hall.

Thursday, February 25 will be a super sweet day in the Junior School!
Students - Bring a toonie to school and join your classmates at the 'Student Treat Table'. All items on this table will have been made in, or purchased/donated from a nut-free facility. Also available will be treats for those with other allergy sensitivities such as dairy and eggs.
Parents - After school and throughout the Parent/Teacher Conferences, you are invited to purchase home-made baked goods that have been lovingly made by JS families. Please note, that while none of these treats will have any peanuts or tree-nuts directly in them, they cannot be considered 'nut-free' as they have not be made in a nut-free facility.

The Bake Sale will be open to parents at 3:00 pm, payment may be made by cash or charged to student accounts.

Havergal will be supporting the Children's Book Bank by running a book drive during the week of February 29-March 4. Please consider donating gently used children's books that your family has outgrown so that other children in high needs Toronto communities may enjoy them. Important to note: donated books should be gently used, suitable for children up to grade six and printed within the last ten years. No teen or adult books please. Collection will take place in bins outside the Learning Hub, please direct your questions to Erica Rodd at or by phone at 416-483-3843, extension 7544.

ABT Ballet: February 29, March 7 @ times advised by Ms. Wade
Chess Lunch Club: February 29, March 7 @ 11:50-12:50 pm
Squad Volleyball Team: February 29, March 7 @ 3:45-4:45 pm

Brain Busters + SIT/Primary: February 23, March 1 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Games Galore Club: February 23, March 1, 8 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Junior Choir: @ 3:30-4:15 pm, for dates please refer to email from Mr. MacLean

Ukulele Club + SIT/Junior: February 24, March 2 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Primary Choir: @ 3:45-4:30 pm, for dates please refer to email from Mr. MacLean

Crafty Science, Lego Engineering & Photojournalist's Clubs + Squad Karate: March 3, 10 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
* Please note: Crafty Science Club make-up session on Tuesday, February 23 at 11:50-12:50 pm

Wednesday, February 24: Grade 1 Parent Coffee Morning, contact your Grade Rep for details
Wednesday, February 24: Anti-Bullying Pink Shirt Day - students wear a pink shirt w/JS uniform
Wednesday, February 24: Parent/Teacher Conferences online booking closes @ 12:00 pm
Thursday, February 25: Parent Learning Conference (see above for details)
Thursday, February 25: JS Great Bake Sale (see above for details)
Thursday, February 25: Parent/Teacher Conferences @ 3:20-8:00 pm, Gator Care available until 6:00 pm, NO AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES

Tuesday, March 1: Grade 6 Parent Coffee Morning, contact your Grade Rep for details
Thursday, March 3: Grade 5 Parent Coffee Morning, contact your Grade Rep for details
Monday, March 7: JS Pizza Lunch @ 11:50-12:50 pm
Monday, March 7 - Friday, March 11: JS Mabel's Fables Book Fair
Wednesday, March 9: JS Grade Rep Meeting @ 8:30-9:30 am
Thursday, March 10: JS locker/cubby clean out
Friday, March 11: JS closes @ 3:30 pm, aftercare available until 6:00 pm
Monday, March 14 - Monday, March 28: Spring Break/Easter Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, March 29: Back to school!
Wednesday, March 30: Grade 6 Lunch @ US Hawkin's Dining Hall