Friday 4 March 2016

Message From the Head Of Junior School: March, 4, 2016

Dear Parents,

The safe dismissal and/or pick up of our JS students is a priority at the Junior School, and can be challenging due to many factors, such as congestion and weather. The dismissal process involves numerous faculty members both inside and outside the building, dedicated to getting girls dressed in their winter gear, personal items packed up and ready to go. We are extremely fortunate to have Manny, our school crossing guard here daily coordinating vehicular and pedestrian traffic with safety as his main priority.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: STUDENTS LEAVING HC CAMPUS TO WALK HOME ALONE: Thank you to those parents who have already sent us written authority granting your daughter(s) permission to leave our property and walk home by themselves. It is imperative that if you want your daughter to leave the HC campus and walk home by herself on a regular basis, we must have written permission as soon as possible.

Understandably, on occasion there are special circumstances, whereby you may not be able to collect your daughter and on short notice you would like for her to walk home. In these 'one-of' situations, your daughter is required to sign-out in the main office before leaving campus. I ask that you discuss this precaution with her and remind her of the importance of this extra security step. We will address this in morning Prayers as well.

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Leslie Anne Dexter

As you will see in the 'Dates You Need To Know' section below, we have moved the March Pizza Lunch date from Monday, March 7 to Friday March 11 to coincide with 'JS Pi Day' (more information below). You may recall seeing an auction item at Celebration Saturday where some lucky girls purchased the opportunity to throw a pie at a JS teacher. Eight girls will limber up, get their pitching arm ready and give it their all as they toss a pie at a teacher after the JS Pizza Lunch on Friday, March 11. Please remember to send a lunch to school on Monday, March 7 or order from Rose Reisman Catering.

JS PI (PIE) DAY - Non-Uniform (grub) Dress
The first known Pi Day was organized in 1988 by a physicist named Larry Shaw. To celebrate, participants spent the day marching around in circles while eating pie! In 2009, March 14 was officially recognized as National Pi Day. This particular date was chosen because it is the 14th day of the 3rd month - or 3.14. Since then, every year on March 14, people around the world celebrate Pi, the most useful of all irrational numbers.

This year, on the afternoon of Friday, March 11, the Junior School will celebrate our first ever Pi Day. The faculty, staff and students are invited to dress up as anything mathematical, ie: favourite mathematician, shape, number, etc., or mathematical concept that they can conceive.

The afternoon will begin with a pizza lunch followed by a pie toss. The eight girls who successfully bid on the Celebration Saturday auction item will toss a cream pie at a JS teacher after our pizza lunch. Afterwards the girls in grades 1-6 will apply their problem-solving & perseverance skills to work in escape-room inspired mathematical/logical brain challenges. Parents are invited to participate in challenges of their own in the JS gymnasium. We are looking forward to fun-filled mathematical day!

Last week our Primary Choir participated in the Kiwanis Festival. The girls sang beautifully, and I'm proud to say that we walked away with 1st place! We came in 3rd place overall out of nine primary choirs that competed throughout the week. The top two choirs were made up of only grade 3 students, so we are especially proud of our efforts, Thank you to the parents and faculty who came out to support us.

At the following link, you will see their presentation of Nursery Rhyme Nonsense from yesterday's Prayers:
Nursery Rhyme Nonsense:

The Junior Choir also performed at Prayers yesterday, please enjoy this rendition of Al Shlosha D'Varim:
Al Shlosha D’Varim:

We have had a lot of fun these last two week watching our winter athletes playing and swimming in their championship games/meets. Look for details and pictures in next week's issue of Gator Zone. Congratulations to the U11 Swim Team members for taking first place, and to the U12/D1 Volleyball Team for winning the league championship. We are so proud of all our athletes!

We celebrate our fall and winter athletes on Wednesday, March 9 at an 'Athletes Breakfast'. This breakfast is meant for girls who played on CISAA league teams only, and does not include squad team participants. Parents, please drop your daughter off at the Upper School at 7:15 am, as we will meet in the Hawkin's Dining Hall. Alternatively, athletic coaches will be on hand at 7:10 am in the JS to walk girls over to the Upper School.

Our Volleyball Squad Team show off their skills this coming Monday when they play an intra-squad game in the big gym at the Upper School. Coaches Bernice Wu and Sarah Szolopiak can't wait to see the girls play another game!

The spring season is almost here and with it, JS spring teams: Grade 5/6 Softball (combined) and Grade 4-6 Track & Field. If you are travelling to warmer climates over the March Break, our spring athletes request that you bring home some sunshine and warm weather because they are anxious to get outdoors and practice hard!

Online registration for both spring teams is now open. The link is available to you on both your parent portal and on your daughter's Veracross home page. Softball tryouts and Track & Field practices begin the week of Monday, April 4. Schedules will be available shortly.

We dismiss for March Break on Friday, March 11 at 3:30 pm, as usual our Gator Care program is available until 6:00 pm. We return on Tuesday, March 29. While we are all enjoying time away, there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes, and part of that is 'spring cleaning'. We need your help, Thursday, March 10 is locker/cubby clean out day, please send your daughter to school with a bag so that she can bring items home. Thanks to Ms. Lulu, our day matron all lost and found items will be put on display in the foyer in time for afternoon pick-up. Please encourage your daughter to search through these treasures to find anything she might be missing. Parents are welcome to look as well.

During the week of March 7-11, the Learning Hub will be hosting the Mabel's Fables Book Fair. This is always an exciting time in the Junior School as they bring an excellent array of high quality children's literature to choose from - and just in time for March Break!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the fair will be set up for browsing. Students will have scheduled times to  browse and fill out wish lists to bring home. On Thursday and Friday a Mabel's Fables staff member will be here to collect payments. Students will again have a scheduled time to make purchases. Parents are welcome anytime to browse and purchase.

The Learning Hub directly benefits from the fair, as we receive a portion of the sales that goes toward new books for our collection. Mabel's Fables will accept Visa, MasterCard, cash or a cheque made payable to Mabel's Fables. If you have any questions, please contact Erica Rodd at or by phone at 416-483-3843, extension 7544.

ABT Ballet: March 7 @ times advised by Ms. Wade
Chess Lunch Club: March 7 @ 11:50-12:50 pm
Squad Volleyball Team: March 7 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Games Galore Club: March 8 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
All other clubs finished for the winter session
All clubs finished for the winter session
Crafty Science, Lego Engineering & Photojournalist's Clubs + Squad Karate: March 10 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Monday, March 7: JS Pizza Lunch @ 11:50-12:50 pm * NOTE DATE CHANGE TO 3/11/16
Monday, March 7 - Friday, March 11: JS Mabel's Fables Book Fair in the JS Learning Hub
Monday, March 9: Lost & Found Items on display in the main foyer
Wednesday, March 9: JS Grade Rep Meeting @ 8:30-9:30 am
Thursday, March 10: JS locker/cubby clean out
Friday, March 11: Students invited to wear non-uniform (grub) dress as a mathematical number/shape or favourite mathematician
Friday, March 11: JS Pizza Lunch @ 11:50-12:50 pm * NOTE DATE CHANGE
Friday, March 11: JS 'Pi" Day - Celebration Saturday auction item - pies thrown at JS teachers after pizza lunch
Friday, March 11: JS closes @ 3:30 pm, aftercare available until 6:00 pm
Monday, March 14 - Monday, March 28: Spring Break/Easter Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, March 29: Back to school!
Wednesday, March 30: Grade 6 Lunch @ US Hawkin's Dining Hall