Friday 29 January 2016

Message From the Head of Junior School: January 29, 2016

'Twas the week before spirit,
and all through the school ....
The HC gals were wondering what would be cool.
Bring your craziness and jazz,
everyone show their inner pizzazz ....
Get real J S H C,
for we will bring our radical spirit unto thee!
Spirit Week is when all of HC, even the Upper School celebrate being in a community together.
We will have fun things to wear and lots of fun things to do .... even a hockey game!
So get ready, Junior School because Spirit Week is coming up NEXT week!

Dear Parents,

The above was written by Grade 6 Leaders Phoebe Ferguson and Shannon Smith and was read by Hannah Feeney and Julia Zigelstein at Prayers last Monday morning. As you can see, our girls are excited about Spirit Week which starts on Monday, February 1. Your daughter is invited to show her personality and 'inner pizzazz' throughout the week by dressing as indicated below and participating in the many events planned with fun in mind.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Ms. Lois Rowe the very best as she begins her 6 month sabbatical. I know she will miss being with the students and her colleagues here at Havergal; however, she has many exciting adventures planned for her time away. I look forward to welcoming her back when the 2016-2017 school year begins. Parents will continue to receive email messages from Ms. Rowe throughout the spring and summer.

Leslie Anne

Next week we celebrate Spirit Week at HC. Please note the following themes, daily dress and activities planned to celebrate the Green and Gold in HC style!

Monday, February 1, House Colour Day:
Student dress: Non-uniform clothing in House colours, grade 4 intramurals at short recess, pizza lunch, grade 3 'Happy Feet' dance party at lunch recess and grade 2 outdoor games (led by grade 6) at lunch recess

Tuesday, February 2, Green & Gold Day:
Student dress: Grades JK-4 to wear HC uniform with green & gold accessories, grades 5-6 to wear full green & gold casual dress, AM pillar decorating contest, grade 5 'Happy Feet' dance party at short recess, grade 2 'Happy Feet' dance party at lunch recess, grade 5+6 attend Hewitt Cup Hockey game in the afternoon

Wednesday, February 3, Toronto Sports Fan Day:
Student dress: HC uniform with Toronto athletic team clothing such as Blue Jays/Maple Leafs t-shirts, caps, etc., grade 3 intramurals at short recess, grade 1 'Happy Feet' dance party at lunch recess and grade 4 outdoor games (led by grade 6) at lunch recess

Thursday, February 4, Funky Shirt Day:
Student dress: HC uniform with a funky/funny shirt, grade 2 intramurals at short recess, grade 4 'Happy Feet' dance party at lunch recess and grades 1+3 outdoor games (led by US Prefects) at lunch recess

Friday, February 5, PJ Day:
Student dress: non-uniform dress - students wear pyjamas/robes/slippers (no stuffed animals or toys please!), grade 1 intramurals at short recess, grade 6 'Happy Feet' dance at lunch recess

Please note that the first 'full report card' of the school year will be available to you online at 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 4. You can expect to get more information about that report and the Parent/Teacher Conferences that follow in an email from Ms. Rowe. It's important for you to note that if you have immediate concerns, please contact the teachers directly.

Pies, cakes, brownies galore - join us with all of the sweets you adore! The Junior School's Great Bake Sale is on Thursday, February 25 and we would love to have you join our sweet team!

Please email Katy Sisley at if you:
  • can bake nut-free treats at home
  • donate packaged baked goods purchased from a nut-free bakery
  • volunteer your time on February 25
Students will have an opportunity to purchase a treat during the school day from a specialty table offering only those treats prepared in a nut-free facility.

Parents will have an opportunity to purchase home-made goodies during Parent/Teacher Conferences(between 3:00-8:00 pm). These purchases will be offered in a sealed package and are meant to be consumed off school property.

A big thank you to Erin Carrique, (Ella - 4PR) and Jennifer Newton, (Kate - 5C) for leading this 'sweet' initiative.100% of the proceeds will be directed towards the purchase of a new item for use in the field of technology.

The JS will celebrate Chinese New Year on Thursday, February 18 from 9:30-10:00 am. You are cordially invited to join us at a presentation on the history of Chinese New Year, and to hear from members of the Lion Dance Troupe talk about how they will ring in the Year of the Monkey.

We are two months into the Forest of Reading Silver Birch Reading Program and readers in the Junior Division could not be more excited! The goal of the program is to promote a love of reading and highlight fantastic Canadian books. As a book club, we gather once a month to discuss the books and take part in fun reading related activities. The hallways are buzzing as students read through their chosen books, share favourite moments, and have their passports signed by the teacher Book Ambassadors. Although participants only need to read five of the ten nominated books to attend the Festival of Trees trip in May, many have set a personal goal to read all ten by April 21! What happens on that day? Everyone votes for their personal favourite, with the winner revealed at the Festival of Trees.

This program is a wonderful opportunity for a shared family reading experience. Ask your daughter about the books, choose one to read alongside her, or read aloud to each other. You will be sure to have some interesting conversations, perhaps about clones, ghosts, wilderness survival, and exciting cliff-hanger endings! Visit for more information.

Primary grades take part in the fun as well with the Blue Spruce Program, which includes ten Canadian picture books that I read aloud to each class. Students in this program will also vote, and it is great fun to compare our favourites with the rest of Ontario once the winner is announced.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Please email me at or call 416.483.3843 extension 7544.

The Student Institute Team (SIT) has begun again with fresh new minds ready to engage in pressing issues and to push their inquiry skills even further. As a group, they began with tackling some of the types of questions that all good inquiry requires: what are the deep, essential questions that drive someone to learn more about a topic and address the most important aspects of an issue. The students have taken control of the direction of their research - using their own ideas together with these questioning skills to look further into a personally-important topic. Our Primary SIT group practised inquiry questions and identifying research areas using a 'pro/con' debate/discussion about a hypothetical future where Havergal allows boy to enroll.

JS MOM'S NIGHT OUT (JSMNO) - Save the date: Wednesday, February 17 at 7:00-11:00 pm
The Fourth Annual JS Mom's Night Out will take place at Terroni, 1095 Price Street (at Yonge + Price Street) this year. Back by popular demand are vendor tables to include: Jaxx, Marbles (kids belts), Touch of Gem Jewellery and Merben Int'l Soft Furnishings and Accessories and more! Tickets are $75 and will be available for purchase online shortly.

Combining Character Development and Intellectual Development: A Startling Conclusion of the Recent Brain Research
"Every interaction a child has, during the course of a day, influences the adult that child will become" - Dr. JoAnn Deak
On Thursday, February 25 join us as we welcome Dr. JoAnn Deak to lead our first ever day long Parent Learning Conference. The session runs from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm in the JS Learning Hub. Please RSVP at:
Cost: $25 (cost include lunch & snacks)

CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS - Remaining Winter Session Dates
ABT Ballet: February 1, 8, 22, 29, March 7 @ times advised by Ms. Wade
Chess Lunch Club: February 1, 8, 22, 29, March 7 @ 11:50-12:50 pm
Squad Volleyball Team: February 1, 8, 22, 29, March 7 @ 3:45-4:45 pm

Brain Busters + SIT/Primary: February 2, 9, 16, 23, March 1 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Games Galore Club: February 2, 9, 16, 23, March 1, 8 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Junior Choir: @ 3:30-4:15 pm, for dates please refer to email from Mr. MacLean

Ukulele Club + SIT/Junior: February 3, 10, 17, 24, March 2 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Primary Choir: @ 3:45-4:30 pm, for dates please refer to email from Mr. MacLean

Crafty Science & Photojournalists Clubs + Squad Karate: February 4, 11, 18, March 3, 10 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Lego Engineering Club: February 11, 18, March 3, 10 @ 3:45-4:45 pm

Monday, February 1: JS Pizza Lunch @ 11:50 am
Monday, February 1 to Friday, February 5: Spirit Week - see above for details
Tuesday, February 2: Grades 5&6 to Hewitt Cup Hockey @ 12:45-2:45 pm
Wednesday, February 3: Grade 5's leave for overnight trip to Algonquin Park
Wednesday, February 3: JS Grade Rep Meeting @ 8:30-9:30 am
Wednesday, February 3: Grade JK/SK Parent Coffee Morning, offsite - contact your Grade Rep for details
Thursday, February 4: Grade 4 Parent Coffee Morning, offsite - contact your Grade Rep for details
Thursday, February 4: Report cards available for viewing online at 5:00 pm
Friday, February 5: Grade 5's return from Algonquin Park

Tuesday, February 9: Grade 2 Parent Coffee Morning, contact your Grade Rep for details
Wednesday, February 10: Parent/Teacher Conferences - online booking opens at 10:00 am
Friday, February 12: PD Day - NO SCHOOL
Monday, February 15: Family Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, February 17: JS Starbooks Parent Talk in the Learning Hub @ 8:30 am
Wednesday, February 17: Grade 6 lunch @ US Hawkin's Dining Hall @ 11:50 am
Wednesday, February 17: HCPA Meeting @ 1:00 pm
Wednesday, February 17: JS Mom's Night Out @ 7:00-11:00 pm
Thursday, February 18: JS Celebrates Chinese New Year @ 9:30 am
Wednesday, February 24: Grade 1 Parent Coffee Morning, contact your Grade Rep for details
Wednesday, February 24: Parent/Teacher Conferences - online booking closes @ 12:00 pm
Thursday, February 25: Parent Learning Conference (see above for details)
Thursday, February 25: JS Great Bake Sale (see above for details)
Thursday, February 25: Parent/Teacher Conferences @ 3:20-8:00 pm - no afterschool activities