Friday 8 January 2016

Message From the Head of Junior School: January 8, 2016

Dear Parents,

Happy 2016!

I am delighted to welcome you back to school and to wish you a very Happy New Year. I've made it a point to catch up with as many students (+ parents) as possible, to hear about fantastic holiday adventures and to see the halls and classrooms filled with relaxed, smiling faces. It's going to be an exciting winter session!

Leslie Anne

"Recess may offer one of the most powerful opportunities to strengthen schools, foster healthy child development and boost learning." Mathematica
There's no doubt that winter is here and along with it - cold temperatures as expected! I'd like to address cold weather as it relates to recess. When parents and teachers think back to their own childhood, chances are some of their fondest memories are of outdoor places and activities. Time spent outdoors is an integral part of the school day at Havergal College, as research indicates that regular physical activity and play support students' physical, social and mental health and the improvement of cognitive function. Living in Canada, we can experience extremes in weather, which often leads to the question, "How does Havergal determine whether or not students remain inside during recess?" As always, we use our best judgement to make this decision. Reasons why an indoor recess maybe called, or why outdoor recess may be shortened include: harsh rain, thunderstorms, lightning, hail, extreme winds, and extreme cold, (-15 degrees Celsius without wind child). Our expectation is that all students come to school with appropriate outdoor gear so that they can participate fully in outdoor play. This may include a raincoat, boots, a hat, mittens, snow pants and a warm jacket. If your child is too sick to go outside for recess, please keep her home. If there is another reason why your child cannot go out for recess, but is well enough to attend regular classes, please provide the office with a doctor's note.

Don't miss out! Please join us for "Combining Character Development", our first parent learning conference headed by Dr. JoAnn Deak on Thursday, February 25 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm in the JS Learning Hub.

Dr. Deak will share her research on the seven core characteristics that form who we are and how parents and educators can help children develop those characteristics to be successful in life. She will guide us to better understand how to help children develop in positive directions by providing strategies that can help young people make good decisions as they deal with anxiety and stress. Dr. Deak has a long history of working with girls and believes that parents are an important part of helping girls develop into strong, resilient and caring young women. A published author of four books (The Owner's Manual for Driving Your Adolescent Brain, Your Fantastic Elastic Brain, How Girls Thrive and Girls Will Be Girls: Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters), Dr. Deak has more than 30 years of experience as an educator and psychologist, helping children develop their potential.

RSVP online now at: (click on "Browse the program catalogue" and select the parent event "Combining Character Development"). Tickets are $25 and includes lunch and snacks. Invite your friends too!

We have exciting news! We would like to invite more girls in grades 4-6 to join the Volleyball Squad Team. Luckily we were able to secure a second coach and this means we can now accept more girls onto the team, and get them excited about playing volleyball! The squad team coaches area: John Child, professional coach from the Leaside Volleyball Club, and our new primary HPE teacher - Sarah Szolopiak. Please email if your daughter would like to be a part of this team. The squad team practices on Monday afternoons at 3:45-4:45 pm in the JS gym. The first session is this Monday, January 11.

If you need a distraction from the cold weather or are just interested in seeing how talented our Grade 4 girls are, I highly recommend this poetry album written by our Grade 4 students during their poetry study in November and December. Their charming verses give insight into their thoughts and perspectives, as well as make evident the learning they did over the course of their unit. Click here to view this album:

CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS - Winter Session Dates
ABT Ballet: January 4, 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 22, 29, March 7 @ times advised by Ms. Wade
Chess Lunch Club: January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 22, 29, March 7 @ 11:50-12:50 pm
Squad Volleyball Team: January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 22, 29, March 7 @ 3:45-4:45 pm

Brain Busters & Games Galore Clubs + SIT/Primary: January 12, 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23, March 1 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Junior Choir: for dates, please refer to email from Mr. MacLean @ 3:30-4:15 pm

Ukulele Club & SIT/Junior: January 13, 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24, March 2 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Primary Choir: for dates, please refer to email from Mr. MacLean @ 3:45-4:30 pm

Crafty Science, Lego Engineering, Photojournalists's Clubs & Squad Karate: January 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, March 3, 10 @ 3:45-4:45 pm

Online sign-up for Gator Care is available through your Veracross page. You can find Gator Care registration under portal links on the parent portals located on the right hand side of the page. For assistance, please contact the IT Service Desk at 416.483.3843 extension #6663, or email at

NEXT WEEK AT A GLANCE: January 11-15
Wednesday, January 13: JS Grade Rep Meeting @ 8:30-9:30 am

Wednesday, January 20: HCPA Meeting @ 1:00-2:00 pm in the Ellen Knox Library (US)
Thursday, January 21: Online re-enrolment begins at 12:00 pm
Thursday, January 21: Grade 5 Parent Meeting - Algonquin Park Overnight Excursion @ 6:30-7:15 pm
Tuesday, January 26: Grade 6 Parent Meeting - Transitioning to Upper School Information Evening @ 6:30-7:30 pm in the Legacy Theatre (US)
Wednesday, January 27: Grade 6 Lunch at the Upper School @ 11:50 am
Monday, February 1: JS Pizza Lunch
Monday, February 1 - Friday, February 5: Spirit Week (more details to follow)