Friday 8 December 2017

Message from Head of Junior School - December 8, 2017

Dear JS Parents,

The Grade 6s have carefully wrapped the winter accessories and toiletries that our community collected, and yesterday delivered everything to the Red Door Shelter.  Many thanks for your generosity this holiday season. It is wonderful to see what we can accomplish together.

For parents with a daughter in Grades 4 - 6 please be sure to ask her about today's guest speaker, Paul Davis, who spoke to the students about Social Networking Safety.

Please read today's message carefully, as it contains important information regarding the next couple of weeks.  

Kate White

Please Note:                                                                      

GATOR CARE - Tuesday December 19
Do you need Gator Care after the Christmas Concert?
Tuesday December 19th
Gator Care will be open as usual from 3:15pm - 6:00pm but you must register! 
  • The holiday season is upon us and that means the Christmas Concert is fast approaching! 
  • Should you not be attending the Christmas Concert and are unable to pick up your daughter from the Church after the concert, please contact the Gator Care team at: no later than FRIDAY DECEMBER 15th at 4 PM.  As the girls will be offsite that day for the concert, there will need to be transportation arranged to bring them back to the Junior School to attend Gator Care. The Gator Care team must be e-mailed by FRIDAY DECEMBER 15th at 4 PM to secure transport for your daughter. 
  • Please email with any questions.

  • New-Circles, a long-time Havergal Community Partner needs our help!  They are in need of gently used winter jackets. If you have anything that might be suitable to donate, please place it in one of the bins outside of the JS Learning Hub. Thank you!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
JS Learning Hub 

  • How do children learn mathematics? What does mathematics instruction look like for your daughter in her classroom each day? How can you as parents best support your daughter in doing/learning mathematics at home?
  • Please join our Mathematics Coordinator, Kathy Kubota-Zarivnij, in the HUB (Junior School Library) on Tuesday, December 12 from about 8:30am to 9:15am to learn and discuss ideas.

  • Details coming soon!!

  • Please return signed AARisk forms for the JS Christmas Concert to homeroom teachers.  This form must be submitted to give permission for students to be transported from the Junior School to the Eglinton St. George’s United Church for the Christmas Concert Rehearsal.

Friday, December 15th, 2017  
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Tickets are not required for this event
  • Our Junior and Senior Kindergarten students are feeling the Christmas spirit, and can’t wait to show you their holiday-themed poems and songs.  Families and friends of kindergarten students are invited to join us on Friday, December 15 at 2:00 pm in the JS Gym, for what is sure to be a fantastic start to the holiday season.  

    Tuesday, December 19th, 2017 
    4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
    Eglinton St. George’s United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd, Toronto

    Pick-up deadline: Tuesday December 12th
    Parents are welcome to pick-up 3 tickets per family.
    Seating is limited, so please only take the number of tickets that you need for your family.  Students participating in the performance do not require a ticket.
    • Come listen to our students in Grades 1 - 6 perform holiday favourites. You will be inspired by the work the students have accomplished in a few short months. 
    • Please pick up your tickets from the JS Office by Tuesday, December 12th. Tickets that have not been picked up will be released to families on our waiting list.
    • Please also return any tickets that you do not intend to use to the JS office by Tuesday, December 12th  so they can be offered to another family.
    • Contact Calen Walker at if you would like to be placed on the waiting list for extra tickets.  Any leftover tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.  Please indicate the number of extra tickets that you require, and we will do our best to accommodate.  

      Wednesday, December 13, 2017
      • In preparation for our JS Christmas Concert Grades 1-6 will be travelling to Eglinton St Georges United Church for a short rehearsal on Friday December 13.  
      • Below, you will find the schedule for arrival, departure, and the rehearsal. Grades 1-3 will be bussed to the church and Grades 4-6 will walk.   

    • 7:55 a.m. Students in Grades 1- 6 arrive at Junior School
    • 8:00 a.m. Students in Grades 1 – 6 attendance is taken
    • 8:10 a.m. Grades 4-6 depart for the church (walking)
    • 8:20 Grades 1-3 depart HC (by bus)
    • 8:30 a.m. Arrival at Eglinton St.Georges
    • 8:40 a.m. Rehearsal begins
    • 9:15 a.m. Approximate time  to return to Junior School
    • 9:30 a.m. Approximate time of arrival back at school


    • Regular school uniform 
    • (Grades 4-6 wear track pants with your skirts for the walk)

      • Students in Grades 1 – 6
      • Students in JK and SK remain at school

      • We are excited to announce that both Christmas Concerts will be posted on Facebook Live!  Click the following link to watch the Christmas Concerts from the comfort of your home:

      Wednesday, December 20, 2017
      7:00 p.m.
      St. Paul's Bloor Street Church
      Tickets are not required for this event
      • Junior school families are welcome to join in the Festival of Lessons and Carols (Carol Service) on Wednesday, December 20, at 7 pm at St. Paul’s Bloor Street Church, 227 Bloor St. E.  This service has become a longstanding tradition that highlights our Senior and Chamber Choirs, Middle School Choir, Senior Brass Ensemble, Senior Strings Class and the Whole School Choir. Tickets are not required.

      Thursday, December 21st, 2017  
      8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m
      • The Junior School is delighted to welcome back Juno nominated Canadian singer-songwriter Craig Cardiff on Thursday December 21st. Parents are welcome to join us in the Junior School Gym from 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Craig will perform a concert for all Junior School students.  "Cardiff makes it a point to keep the relationship with his fans personal, inviting and accepting any opportunity to make his audience as much a part of the performance as he is. Armed with an extensive catalogue of songs, his Book of Truths, sharp wit and soft voice, Cardiff is considered a pioneer in alternate venue touring, often appearing in churches, camps, prisons, basements, festivals, kitchens and even taking to the streets, bringing his fans with him. Over the years, he has played with and opened for artists such as Glen Phillips, Lucy Kaplansky, Dan Bern, Natalia Zukerman, Andy Stochansky, Sarah Harmer, Kathleen Edwards, Blue Rodeo, Gordon Downie (Tragically Hip), Hawksley Workman, Sarah Slean, Skydiggers, 54-40 and more.  We hope you can join us!

      Grade 1: January 9
      Grade 4: January 16
      • Get ready for a new and exciting Mother-Daughter event at the JS on January 9th (grade 1) and January 16th (grade 4)! This year, grades 1 and 4 will take part in the Mother-Daughter breakfast events to facilitate community building with new families and new girls in these entry years.
      • In the Junior School, the Havergal College Parent Association (HCPA), is hosting a "pajama jam"  themed breakfast where moms (or another special woman) and daughters will arrive in pajamas! 
      • As a special bonus, all Junior School girls will have a pajama day on January 16th, 2018!
      • A delicious breakfast will be served and guests will also enjoy a slide show and interactive dance -along. The girls will receive photos and stuffies as keep sakes.
      • Grade 1 and grade 4 moms, please watch your email for an Evite invitation coming very soon!
      • Please contact JS Mother Daughter Co-Chairs:   Alnar or Ply for more information

      Monday, January 22, 2018
      6:30 p.m. -  7:30 p.m.
      JS Grade 5 Classroom
      • Join us for our Grade 5 Excursion Parent Information Session.
      • The overnight trip will take place: Wednesday, February 7 to Friday, February 9 to Ranger Camp at Spirit Point, Algonquin Park

      Summer 2018
      • Junior School students in grades 4-6 are invited to register for an exciting summer camp program at Havergal College. Each year, Athletes in Motion (AIM) sports camp and Band at Camp Havergal (BACH) music camp invite students from our partner public schools Grenoble and Gateway Public School for a week of FUNdamental sport and movement skills and/or musical instruction in clarinet, trumpet, percussion, saxophone, trombone, and baritone. AIM and BACH Camps run in August and are supported by Havergal Senior School volunteers, the Forum for Change and the Director of Performing Arts. The registration fee is $400 per child per week and a portion of these fees will go towards ensuring our summer camp programming remains accessible to Havergal's Community Partners. 
      • For more information please see the link to registration brochures below, or pick up a copy at the front desk. 
      • AIM sports camp:
      • BACH music camp:

      About Problem Solving for Learning Mathematics (Issue 4(2) - 121117)
      • “Problem solving is central to learning mathematics. By learning to solve problems and by learning through problem solving, students have ongoing experiences to connect mathematical ideas and to develop conceptual understanding. Problem solving forms the basis of effective mathematics programs and should be the mainstay of mathematical instruction. It is considered an essential process through which students are able to achieve the expectations in mathematics, and it is an integral part of the mathematics curriculum in Ontario.”  (MOE, 2005, pp. 11)
      • Read more

      • Are you looking for a one-of-a-kind gift this holiday season? Havergal hoodies by Lazy Pants are a limited edition gift idea! Hoodies are $105 and come in Adult sizes only: XXS to XL. Quantities are limited. 
      • Contact Mary Dean ( or Jennifer Newton ( with any questions or your order.

      • The Havergal JS Welcome Committee is still looking for volunteers to give tours during the school day to new families that are interested in applying to Havergal. Applications to Havergal JS are way up again this year, and there are many families interested in seeing the amazing school we have! There is no commitment required, you can sign-up for tours whenever it is convenient for your schedule.
      • A "sign-up genius" link is sent, usually on Friday, to all the volunteers on the Welcome Committee email distribution list. The link opens up to a list of all the tours for the following week (date, time, and grade that the family is interested in applying for). Simply click on the time that works best for you – that’s it - no further emails back and forth. You can also check back throughout the week using the same link to see which tours are still available or even just to see if your friend is signed up to give a tour so you can tag team the new family. 
      • Hesitant to do a tour on your own?  Please feel free to reach out to some of the seasoned  volunteers that have been doing tours for many years to get a better sense of the route and the information to share. Often the new parents have the same questions you may have had when applying to Havergal.
      • Please do consider being a part of the Welcome Committee this school year.  If you are interested, please email Steven R. (    

      • Grade 1 Mother/Daughter Breakfast - January 9 at 7.30am
      • Grade 6 Parents Tour the Upper School - January 12 from 8:00-10:00am
      • Grade 4 Mother/Daughter Breakfast - January 16 at 7:30am 
      • JS Father Daughter A Maze-ing Race! - April 29, 2018

        This Week at Havergal Junior School             

        Monday, December 11 (Day 5)

        • 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. U12 Volleyball - Gold Practice (JS Gym)
        • 8:25 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.   JS Prayers
        • 11:50 a.m. -12:50 p.m.  Chess Club (Learning Hub)
        • 3:30 p.m -4:45 p.m.  Volleyball Squad (JS Gym)
        • 3:45 p.m -4:45 p.m.  Drama Club Gr. 1-2 (Grade 1 Classroom)
        • 3:45 p.m -4:45 p.m.  Drama Club Gr. 3-4 (Kindergarten Classroom)
        • 4:00 p.m -5:00 p.m.  U12 Volleyball (Green) Game @ Branksome Hall
          • Class Dismissal: 2:45 pm
          • Campus Departure: 3:00 pm sharp!
          • Branksome Hall Departure: 5:00 pm approx.
        Tuesday, December 12 (Day 6)
        • Last day to pick up your Christmas Concert Tickets!
        Tickets that have not been picked up will be distributed to families on the waitlist
        • 6:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m U12 Swim Practice CANCELLED - No swim practices until New Year
        • 8:00 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. Grades 1-5 Outdoor Play
        • 8:00 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. Grade 6M and 6C Rehearsal in the Music Room
        • 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.  Primary Math Workshop for Parents JK to Gr. 3 (Learning Hub)
        • 11:50 a.m. -12:50 p.m.  Math Discussion Club Grades 3 & 4  (Learning Hub)  
        • 12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. Project Zero Cultures of Thinking Team (Learning Hub)
        • 3:30 p.m -4:15 p.m. Junior Choir Rehearsal
        • 3:30 p.m -4:30 p.m.  Gr. 3 & 4 Creative Movement (JS Gym)

        Wednesday, December 13 (Day 7)
        • 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. U12 Volleyball (Green) Practice (JS Gym) CANCELLED
        • 7:55 a.m. Students in Grades 1- 6 arrive at Junior School
        • 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. JS Gr. 1-6 Concert Rehearsal - Offsite at Eglinton St.George’s United Church
        • 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. JS Grade Rep Meeting (Learning Hub)
        • 11:50 a.m. -12:50 p.m.  Math Discussion Club Grades 3 & 4  (Learning Hub)  
        • 12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m.  Grade 6 Lunch at the Upper School
        • 12:10 p.m. -12:50 p.m.  JS Hockey (Otter Creek)
          • 11:50: girls eat lunch outside of HPE Office with Szolopiak
          • 12:10: walk to Otter Creek
        • 3:30 p.m -4:45 p.m. U11 Volleyball Green Practice (JS Gym)
        • 3:45 p.m -4:30 p.m.  Primary Choir Rehearsal
        Thursday, December 14 (Day 8)

        • #1 Dress
        • 8:25 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.   JS Prayers -  Hanukkah (Rev. Douglas)
        • 12:20 p.m. -12:50 p.m  Forest of Reading Book Club Launch (JS Learning Hub)
        • 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. Grades 1&2 Multi-Sport (JS Gym)
        • 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. U12 Volleyball (Gold) Practice @ Upper School Gym C
        • 4:00 p.m  JS Full Report Cards Available for Parents to View on Veracross
        • 4:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m.  U11 Volleyball (Green) Practice @ Upper School
        Friday, December 15 (Day 1)

        • 7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m. U12 Volleyball - Green Practice (JS Gym)
        • 8:25 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.   Grade 1-6 Mass Choral Rehearsal (JS Gym)
        • 12:15 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. Band Rehearsal 6C & 6M (JS Music Room)
        • 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. JK /SK Christmas Concert (JS Gym)

        LOOK AHEAD

        Tuesday, December 19
        - Grade 1-6 Christmas Concert at Eglinton St. George's United Church (4:00-5:00 pm)

        Wednesday, December 20
        - Carol Service (7:00 pm)

        Thursday, December 21
        - School Closes - Early Dismissal (2:40 pm)

        Friday, December 22-January 7
        - Christmas Break! (no classes)

        Monday, January 8
        - Classes resume

        Tuesday, January 9
        - Grade 1 Mother/Daughter Breakfast (7:30 am)

        Tuesday, January 16
        - Grade 4 Mother/Daughter Breakfast (7:30 am)
        - All students invited to wear PJs to school

        Monday, January 22

        - Grade 5 Excursion Parent Information Session (6:30-7:30 pm)

        Monday, February 5 -  Friday February 9
        - Spirit Week

        Wednesday, February 7 -  Friday February 9
        - Grade 5 Overnight Excursion

        Thursday, February 15
        - DAY 9

        Friday, February 16
        - Professional Development Day (no classes)

        Monday, February 19
        - Family Day (no classes)

        Thursday, February 22
        - JS Parent Teacher Conferences

        Monday, February 26
        - ATHL:  JS/US Spring Athletic Online Registration Opens

        Friday, March 9
        - ATHL:  JS/US Spring Athletic Online Registration Closes

        Monday, March 12 - Friday, March 23
        - March Break (no classes)

        Monday, March 26
        - Classes resume