Friday 3 November 2017

Message from Head of Junior School - November 3 & 10, 2017

Dear JS Parents,

This week, it is our pleasure to introduce new members to the Junior School community.

Havergal College is a place of vibrant learning, not just for students, but for teachers (and future teachers) too. With the tremendous pedagogical expertise that exists in the Junior School, we pride ourselves on sharing our professional knowledge with aspiring educators from some of Ontario's finest teaching programs. Throughout the school year, our community regularly welcomes teacher candidates into the Junior School to join us for their practicum placements, which are a requirement of their program. Teacher candidates work with teachers and students to put into practice what they have been learning in their university classes and to get a sense of how we provide Havergal students with the optimum learning experience. 

At the moment, we are fortunate to have three student teachers from the Masters of Teaching Program at the University of Toronto who are working with Ms. Mastri, Mme. Rizzo, and Mr. MacLean respectively. We look forward to having more join us throughout this academic year. When we share our learning, we all stand to gain. Special thank you to Jesse Grosman, Student-Teacher Liaison, for coordinating this.

We also welcome Rev. Stephanie Douglas, as the Havergal College Chaplain, and Michael Webb, our new Kindergarten Intern.

Kate White

Please Note:                                                                      

The coaches and the Upper School mentors are so very proud of all the girls from grades 1 to 6 who participated on the team this fall. On their last morning practice, the runners in grades 1 to 3 had a FUN RUN at school, and their team members encouraged them to run fast. A special shout out to our first place runners in each grade: Anna Aggarwal (gr. 3), Greta El-Ayari (gr. 2) and Addy Riopelle (gr. 1). Well done primary girls! 
On October 25th, the team had their CISAA Cross Country Championships at Centennial Park. It was an amazing day of racing! It was a bit cold and windy but the girls really performed wellOur grade 4  team won the U10 title again. A special mention to Hanna Lee who came second, right behind her was Cadyn Rosenzweig in third and Olivia Chisholm came fourth. Good job to all runners in grade 4 who all had a strong finish. Awesome job grade 4's! Congratulations to Audrey Gage who finished fourth in grade 5 and  Lily Vijayaraghavan and Alice Sievenpiper for their great run. And we had another solid performance from our grade 6 girls. Mackenzie Johnson crossed the finish line in 4th, Scarlett Nowakowski was 5th and Sarah Kluge rounded out the team in 15th place. The team missed out on on finishing first as a team by 6 points. The team came home with the plaque for winning the Under 10 -  Under 14 overall girls cross country championships. You did it again!!. Thank your girls for your dedication, commitment and effort. Go Gators Go!

From the cross country coaches: France Gareau, Erica Rodd, Erin Murphy, Cate Gulyas and Carrie Powers

Winter Athletic Registration remains open until Monday, November 6th at noon. Please use the following link to register your daughter to tryout for a team or to join a squad. If your daughter is trying out for a team, please do not register her for the squad until after tryouts. We are expanding your daughter's athletic options with new program options. Please take a moment to review all programs available to your daughter for the Winter season.  Registration Link:
All questions can be directed to Sarah Szolopiak, Junior School Athletic Director, 

2017 Winter Athletic Sports:
*New grade group: Multi-sport for Grades 1 and 2
Every child learns, every child plays, every child has fun! Students will join together to learn the basics of many different sports: ball hockey, baseball, basketball, football, soccer, track and field, volleyball, etc. The Multi-sport model provides entry level knowledge to a variety of sports and develops a wide range of gross motor and athletic skills. All activities are play-based and give every child the confidence and skill to play and enjoy a variety of sport and recreational activities for life!
·         Thursday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
·         Junior School Gymnasium
·         November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14, January 11, 18

*New grade group: Multi-sport for Grades 3 and 4
Every child learns, every child plays, every child has fun! Students will join together to learn the basics of many different sports: ball hockey, baseball, basketball, football, soccer, track and field, volleyball, etc. The Multi-sport model provides entry level knowledge to a variety of sports and develops a wide range of gross motor and athletic skills. All activities are play-based and give every child the confidence and skill to play and enjoy a variety of sport and recreational activities for life!
·         Thursday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
·         Junior School Gymnasium
·         January 25, Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8

*NEW: Creative Movement for Grades 1 and 2
Creative Movement is a joyful way for children to explore movement through music, develop physical skills, channel energy, stimulate imagination and promote creativity. This 7 week program is lead by a certified dance instructor who will lead different types of creative movement (hip hop, tap, ballet, jazz, acro, free movement) through dance along with teaching your daughters a fun and challenging dance routine. No experience necessary.
·         Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
·         Junior School Gymnasium
·         January 23, 30, February 6, 13, 20, 27, March 6
o    Jazz, hip hop, tap, ballet, acro, tap, free movement
o    Socks and indoor running shoes necessary (black dance slippers are optional)

*NEW: Creative Movement for Grades 3 and 4
Creative Movement is a joyful way for children to explore movement through music, develop physical skills, channel energy, stimulate imagination and promote creativity. This 7 week program is lead by a certified dance instructor who will lead different types of creative movement (hip hop, tap, ballet, jazz, acro, free movement) through dance along with teaching your daughters a fun and challenging dance routine. No experience necessary.
·         Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
·         Junior School Gymnasium
·         November 14, 21, 28, December 5, 12, January 9, 16
o    Jazz, hip hop, tap, ballet, acro, tap, free movement
o    Socks and indoor running shoes necessary (black dance slippers are optional)

Hockey Squad Team for Grades 4,5,6
Hockey Squad Team is an inclusive developmental ice hockey program. The girls practice at lunch recess once a week at Otter Creek outdoor rink. The program focuses on fundamental hockey skills and strategies. CSA approved hockey equipment is mandatory and not provided by the school. Dependant on the number of participants, some girls will be invited to play on ‘Hockey Day’ versus BSS and potentially other arranged games, schedule permitting.
·         Wednesday 12:10 - 12:50 p.m.
·         Otter Creek Outdoor Arena
·         Dates will be weather dependant: December 13, 20, January 10, 17, 24, 31

Volleyball Squad Team for Grades 4,5,6
Volleyball Squad Team is an inclusive skill development program. The group meets once a week with their coaches to practice sport specific skills in a fun and non competitive environment. This is an opportunity for your daughter to learn the basics or to continue to develop her skill set and volleyball game sense. No experience necessary.
·         Monday 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
·         Junior School Gymnasium
·         November 27, December 4, 11, 18 (tbc), January 8, 15, 22, 29, February 5, 12, 19, 26

U11 Volleyball Green Team (Grade 5)
The U11 Green Volleyball team will hold a series of tryouts before choosing a team who will compete against other schools in the Canadian Independent School Athletic Association (CISAA). The team commitment is twice a week - practice, game or a combination of both. The season runs from mid November until end of February.
·         Tryouts:
o    Wednesday and Thursday 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
o    Junior School and Upper School Gymnasiums
o    Wednesday November 15, Thursday November 16, Wednesday November 22, Thursday November 23
·         Team Practices:
o    Wednesday and Thursday 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
o    Junior School and Upper School Gymnasiums
o    1st practice: Wednesday November 29th

U12 Volleyball Green D1 Team (Grade 6)
The U12 Green Volleyball team will hold a series of tryouts before choosing a team who will compete against other schools in the Canadian Independent School Athletic Association (CISAA). The team commitment is twice a week - practice, game or a combination of both. The season runs from mid November until end of February.
·         Tryouts:
o    Wednesday and Friday 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.
o    Junior School Gymnasiums
o    Wednesday November 15, Friday November 17, Wednesday November 22, Friday November 24
·         Team Practices:
o    Wednesday and Friday 7:00 - 8:00 a.m
o    Junior School Gymnasiums
o    1st practice: Wednesday November 29th

U12 Volleyball Gold D2 Team (Grade 6)
The U12 Gold Volleyball team will hold a series of tryouts before choosing a team who will compete against other schools in the Canadian Independent School Athletic Association (CISAA). The team commitment is twice a week - practice, game or a combination of both. The season runs from mid November until end of February.
·         Tryouts:
o    Wednesday and Friday 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.
o    Junior School Gymnasiums
o    Wednesday November 15, Friday November 17, Wednesday November 22, Friday November 24
·         Team Practices:
o    Monday 7:00 - 8:00 a.m and Thursday 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
o    Junior School and Upper School Gymnasium
o    1st practice: Monday November 27th

U11/U12 Swim Team (Grade 5 and 6)
The U11/U12 Swim team will hold a series of tryouts before choosing a team (dependant on registration numbers) who will compete against other schools in the Canadian Independent School Athletic Association (CISAA). The team practices 2 mornings per week and will have 3  meets plus a championship meet.
·         Tryouts:
o    Tuesday and Thursday 6:50 - 8:00 a.m.
o    Upper School drop off for pool
o    Tuesday November 14, Thursday November 16, Tuesday November 21, Thursday November 23
·         Team Practices:
o    Tuesday and Thursday 6:50 - 8:00 a.m.
o    Upper School drop off for pool
o    First Practice: Tuesday November 28th
o    There will be a BREAK IN TRAINING December 7th - January 8th 

Tuesday November 28th
Grades 1 to 6 must bring their own lunches and snacks
Rose Reisman Catering will not be providing lunches on this day for Grades 1-6.
Kindergarten will receive their Rose Reiseman lunches.
Please ensure to send your daughters to school in their physical education uniform with appropriate winter clothing and footwear for their Day 9 activities.
  • Kindergarten:  Continued exploration of Havergal College’s natural environment, outdoor spaces, and ravine. They will also be meeting animals brought to them by Hands on Exotics, a local animal shelter that rehabilitates and rescues exotic animals
  • Grades 1, 2: Students in Grades 1 & 2 will continue to explore High Park, noting changes throughout the seasons and engaging in hands on forest exploration. They will also participate in a hands on holiday greenery workshop.
  • Grade 3:  For their second Day 9, students will make their way to The Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough. While there, they will engage in activities that will deepen their understanding of the canoe’s enduring significance to the peoples of Canada.
  • Grade 4:  Students will participate in drama workshops and will be viewing a play with Young Peoples’ Theatre (YPT). The workshops and play challenge our students to consider their own values, as well as how to develop the confidence to stick to them.
  • Grades 5 and 6: For their second Day 9, students will be traveling to the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto. Students will explore the museum collections and discover the artistic, intellectual, and scientific heritage of Muslim civilizations through participation in a variety of interactive workshops and activities. Students will end their day with an outdoor game of Capture the Flag. 

Some people think they're just not good at mathematics; that is, being good at mathematics is a natural ability.  Contrary to popular opinion, a natural ability in math will only get you so far, but consistent work and study habits are the most important factor in improving mathematics achievement over time. Learning mathematics cannot be achieved through reading about, listening to or watching others do mathematics. Often, actively engaging with new mathematical ideas and methods feels like struggle, which requires the learner to persevere with curiosity and tenacity.  This school year, grades 2 to 6 Havergal girls’ are working on some aspects of these mathematical learning skills and habits.
Read more:

Enriching Girls' Math - Mathematical Growth Mindsets for Learning
Boaler (2012) argued that everyone can learn mathematics. People often think that some learners cannot grow new synapses to learn math. This a completely FALSE concept. It is NOT true that some children have a “math brain” and some do not.
Parents are welcome to join us at the Junior School on the following days for our new workshops!  When attending these workshops, please park on Rosewell Avenue or neighbouring streets as there will be no parking available in the lots off of Avenue Road or on our tennis courts.

Primary Years Literacy Workshop for Parents (JK to Grade3) 
Nov 21 from 8:30-9:00 in the JS Learning Hub

Primary Year Math Workshop for Parents (JK to Grade 3)
Dec 12 from 8:30-9:00 in the JS Learning Hub 

Grade 1 Parents’ Social – November 16
JS Grade Rep Meeting – November 22 at 8:30am
Grade 1 Mother/Daughter Breakfast - January 9 at 7.30am
Grade 4 Mother/Daughter Breakfast - January 16 at 7:30am 
JS Father Daughter A Maze-ing Race!   Sunday, April 29, 2018

Just Around the Corner!  HCPA Annual Parent Luncheon: Over 80% of the Tickets Are Sold!
Deadline to order tickets is NOVEMBER 14, 2017
The HCPA Annual Parent Luncheon is on Friday, November 17, from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm at The Estates of Sunnybrook.  Please use this link to register
More information on speaker Paul Davis, social networking and internet safety educator, can be found at

Havergal hoodies by Lazy Pants are going fast! They will be sold during the Havergal Parent Luncheon on November 17th. Parents and students can try them on, charge them to their student account, and take their hoodies with them! Otherwise, please email Mary or Jennifer with your student number and size, and they will leave it at security for pick up.
Hoodies are $105 and come in Adult sizes only: XXS to XL. Quantities are limited. Contact Mary Dean ( or Jennifer Newton ( with any questions or your order.
ORDER YOUR PEPPERMINT BARK NOW!  This is the last full week to order peppermint bark! A lovely gift for yourself or for a hostess/host gift, the classic peppermint bark will be available for collection on November 20th and 21st at the school, but only if you order in advance.Beautiful gift boxes of 500g or gift bags of 100g, lovingly made by the Havergal HCPA. Get yours now to ensure you start off the season right! All proceeds go towards the Limitless Campaign. c/63-peppermint-bark

The Havergal JS Welcome Committee is still looking for volunteers to give tours during the school day to new families that are interested in applying to Havergal. Applications to Havergal JS are way up again this year, and there are many families interested in seeing the amazing school we have! There is no commitment required, you can sign-up for tours whenever it is convenient for your schedule.
A "sign-up genius" link is sent, usually on Friday, to all the volunteers on the Welcome Committee email distribution list. The link opens up to a list of all the tours for the following week (date, time, and grade that the family is interested in applying for). Simply click on the time that works best for you – that’s it - no further emails back and forth. You can also check back throughout the week using the same link to see which tours are still available or even just to see if your friend is signed up to give a tour so you can tag team the new family. 
Hesitant to do a tour on your own?  Please feel free to reach out to some of the seasoned  volunteers that have been doing tours for many years to get a better sense of the route and the information to share. Often the new parents have the same questions you may have had when applying to Havergal.  Please do consider being a part of the Welcome Committee this school year.  If you are interested, please email Steven R. (    
    This Week at Havergal Junior School             

    Monday, November 13
    School closed for Midterm Break

    Tuesday, November 14 (Day 3)
    • 6:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Swim Team Tryout (Upper School Drop Off)
    • 8:20 a.m. - 8:55 a.m. DEAR
    • 3:30 p.m -4:15 p.m. Junior Choir Rehearsal  CANCELLED
    • 3:30 p.m -4:30 p.m. Multisport Squad
    • 3:30 p.m -4:30 p.m.  Gr. 3 & 4 Creative Movement (JS Gym)
    • 3:45 p.m -4:45 p.m. Crafty Science Club (Art Room)

    Wednesday, November 15 (Day 4)
    • 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. U12 Volleyball Tryout (JS Gym)
    • 8:00 - 9:00 JS Caribou Math Contest (Grades 4 and 5 from 8 - 9, grade 3 at 11am and grade 6 during math class)
    • 8:20 - 8:55 Community circle, DEAR, extra help
    • 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. U11 Volleyball Tryout (JS Gym)
    • 3:45 p.m -4:30 p.m. Primary Choir Rehearsal  CANCELLED
    • 3:45 p.m -4:45 p.m.  Video Game Design (6C Classroom)
    • 3:45 p.m -4:45 p.m.  SIT Club (3L Classroom)

    Thursday, November 16 (Day 5)
    • #1 Dress
    • 6:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Swim Team Tryout (Upper School Drop Off)
    • 8:25 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. JS Prayers
    • 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Coffee & Conversation Grade 4
    • 1:30 p.m.- 2:30 p.m. Coffee & Conversation JK/SK
    • 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Coffee & Conversation Grade 1
    • 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. Grade 1&2 Multi-Sport (JS Gym)
    • 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. U11 Volleyball Tryout (US Gym)
    • 3:45 p.m -4:45 p.m.  Coding for Kids Club (2T Classroom)
    • 3:45 p.m -4:45 p.m.  Kids’ Lit Quiz Club (3P Classroom)

    Friday, November 17 (Day 6)
    • 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. U12 Volleyball Tryout (JS Gym)
    • 7:45 a.m. - 8:20 a.m.  History of Math Club (6C Classroom)
    • 8:25 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.  JS Prayers  
    • 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. “Wonder” Movie Viewing Excursion
    • 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.  Annual HCPA Parent Luncheon @ Estates of Sunnybrook


    Tuesday, November 14
    - Classes resume

    Monday, November 20 - Friday, December 1st - JS Winter Athletic Tryouts
    Tuesday, December 12
    - JS Toasty Tuesday (8:30am-9:30am)

    Friday, December 15
    - JK /SK Christmas Concert

    Tuesday, December 19
    - Grade 1-6 Christmas Concert

    Wednesday, December 20
    - Carol Service (7:00pm-8:20pm)

    Thursday, December 21
    - School Closes - Early Dismissal (2:40pm)

    Friday, December 22-January 7
    - Christmas Break