Friday 11 December 2015

Message From the Head of Junior School: December 11, 2015

Dear Parents,

It's that time of the year! Yes, it's the 'official' start to the holiday season next week as we present our two annual Christmas concerts. To the parents of students in grades 1-6, I thank you for your patience as we try to accommodate the many requests we have received for additional tickets. All parents who have not collected their tickets have been contacted and we are in the process of analyzing final attendance figures. As you may know, we are strictly governed by the City of Toronto, Fire Marshall with respect to maximum attendance numbers as a precaution for fire safety which is why we work so diligently to ensure compliance. We hope to be able to contact you as soon as possible with news regarding your requests. Please make sure to read the need-to-know information below to help us make this evening a success. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kate White at

Leslie Anne


Grades JK+SK - Monday, December 14 at 2:00 pm in the JS Gymnasium
Parents and guests, please join us in the JS gymnasium at 2:00 pm, there will be a small reception in the classrooms following the concert.

Grades 1-6 - Wednesday, December 16 at 6:30 pm in the Brenda Robson Hall (Upper School)
Help us to make this concert successful ... please read the following need-to-know instructions:

Attire: Girls must wear "Concert Attire", consisting of #1 dress uniform, with special attention to the following:
(1) All girls are to wear a long-sleeve white shirt,
(2) Grades 1-3 are to wear green tights, while Grades 4-6 should wear green kneesocks,
(3) Hair should be pinned back from the face using a plain hair accessory such as a small pin, or a headband without colour, sparkles or embellishments.

Arrival & Check In: Plan to arrive at the Upper School, front doors at 6:00 pm, you will be met by JS teachers in the rotunda who will escort your daughter to her appropriate waiting area while you secure a seat in the Brenda Robson Hall. Individual tickets have been issued for entry, please check in at the arrivals table.

Exiting the Auditorium: Please leave through the marked exits, specific instructions are outlined on the back page of the concert program.

Pick Up/Rendezvous: To avoid congestion at the conclusion of the concert, we ask that only one parent/adult collect students from the waiting areas indicated on the back page of the concert program.

ATHLETIC MESSAGE - From Annie Maki, JS Athletic Director
The December issue of Gator Zone is out. Read about our swim team, coaches, and our squad teams at the following link:

Is your daughter missing a mitten, water bottle, lunch bag, shoe(s) or more? All lost and found items have been organized on tables outside the gym - please drop by to see if anything belongs to your family. All unclaimed items will be donated to our community partner New Circles prior to closing for Christmas break.

If you are having difficulties accessing the Parent Portal on your mobile device, our IT Department has put together some helpful tips for you. For your convenience they offer this direct link to access this information:

Autumn Clubs are now all finished. Winter co-curricular clubs start the week of January 11, with the exception of ABT Ballet which starts on January 4. Verification slips with session dates were sent home with your daughter this week.

NEXT WEEK AT A GLANCE: December 14-17
Monday, December 14: Kindergarten Christmas Concert @ 2:00 pm (JS gym)(reception to follow)
Tuesday, December 15: Locker/Cubby/Desk Clean Out
Tuesday, December 15: Toasty Tuesday - Hot Chocolate served by Mrs. Dexter & Ms. White at short recess, yummy!
Wednesday, December 16: Grade 6 Lunch @ Upper School -  Hawkin's Dining Hall
Wednesday, December 16: Grades 1-6 Christmas Concert @ 6:30 pm (Brenda Robson Hall)
Thursday, December 17: JS Christmas Prayers @ 8:30 am (JS Gym)
Thursday, December 17: Whole School Red/Green Dress (casual dress/non-uniform)
Thursday, December 17: Christmas Prayers @ 8:30 am (JS Gym)
Thursday, December 17: Dismissal @ 3:30 pm, aftercare available until 6:00 pm

Friday, December 18 to Friday, January 1: Christmas Break (no school)
Monday, January 4: Back to school!