Thursday 17 December 2015

Message From the Head of Junior School: December 17, 2015

Dear Parents,

Although my final message to you in 2015 is brief, it comes from my heart. On behalf of all the faculty  and staff, we wish you a very happy and safe holiday filled with good times with family and friends.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I look forward welcoming you back in January!

Leslie Anne

CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS - Winter Session Dates
ABT Ballet: January 4, 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 22, 29, March 7 @ times advised by Ms. Wade
Chess Lunch Club: January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 22, 29, March 7 @ 11:50-12:50 pm
Squad Volleyball Team: January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 22, 29, March 7 @ 3:45-4:45 pm

Brain Busters & Games Galore Clubs + SIT/Primary: January 12, 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23, March 1 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Junior Choir: session dates to be advised by Mr. MacLean @ 3:30-4:15 pm

Ukulele Club & SIT/Junior: January 13, 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24, March 2 @ 3:45-4:45 pm
Primary Choir: session dates to be advised by Mr. MacLean @ 3:45-4:15 pm

Crafty Science, Lego Engineering, Photojournalist's Clubs + Squad Karate: January 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18, March 3, 10 @ 3:45-4:45 pm

Online sign-up for Gator Care is available again, please access through your Veracross page. You can find Gator Care registration under portal links on the parent portals located on the right hand side of the page. If you are having problems, please contact the IT Service Desk at: 416.483.3843, extension #6663, or email:

Last week, New Circles invited two of our Grades 2's, Lilly and Isla, to come and see where all of the clothes we had collected during the winter clothing drive ended up. We saw where the clothes are stored, sorted and displayed, and also a few of the volunteers and clients. New Circles asked us to pass along a big THANK YOU to all of the Havergal families who donated so generously. Lilly and Isla had a lot of great questions for New Circles on our visit. We learned that they distribute 200,000 pounds of clothes every year to families who need support, and that they have also partnered with Lifeline Syria as their official clothing provider. We also learned that New Circles collects gently loved clothes seasonally and could use our help again in the spring as they prepare for warmer weather. Stay tuned for more information about our next clothing drive! A heartfelt thank you from Lilly, Isla and the SIT Club!

WEEK AT A GLANCE: January 4-8
Monday, January 4: Back to school
Monday, January 4: JS Pizza lunch @ 11:50-12:50 pm

Wednesday, January 13: JS Grade Rep Meeting @ 8:30-9:30 am
Wednesday, January 20: HCPA Meeting @ 1:00-2:00 pm in Ellen Knox Library (US)
Thursday, January 21: Online re-enrolment begins at 12:00 pm
Thursday, January 21: Grade 5 Parent Meeting - Algonquin Park Overnight Excursion @ 6:30-7:15 pm
Tuesday, January 26: Grade 6 Parent Meeting - Transitioning to Upper School Information Evening @ 6:30-7:30 pm in the Legacy Theatre (US)
Wednesday, January 27: Grade 6 Lunch at the Upper School @ 11:50 am

Friday 11 December 2015

Message From the Head of Junior School: December 11, 2015

Dear Parents,

It's that time of the year! Yes, it's the 'official' start to the holiday season next week as we present our two annual Christmas concerts. To the parents of students in grades 1-6, I thank you for your patience as we try to accommodate the many requests we have received for additional tickets. All parents who have not collected their tickets have been contacted and we are in the process of analyzing final attendance figures. As you may know, we are strictly governed by the City of Toronto, Fire Marshall with respect to maximum attendance numbers as a precaution for fire safety which is why we work so diligently to ensure compliance. We hope to be able to contact you as soon as possible with news regarding your requests. Please make sure to read the need-to-know information below to help us make this evening a success. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kate White at

Leslie Anne


Grades JK+SK - Monday, December 14 at 2:00 pm in the JS Gymnasium
Parents and guests, please join us in the JS gymnasium at 2:00 pm, there will be a small reception in the classrooms following the concert.

Grades 1-6 - Wednesday, December 16 at 6:30 pm in the Brenda Robson Hall (Upper School)
Help us to make this concert successful ... please read the following need-to-know instructions:

Attire: Girls must wear "Concert Attire", consisting of #1 dress uniform, with special attention to the following:
(1) All girls are to wear a long-sleeve white shirt,
(2) Grades 1-3 are to wear green tights, while Grades 4-6 should wear green kneesocks,
(3) Hair should be pinned back from the face using a plain hair accessory such as a small pin, or a headband without colour, sparkles or embellishments.

Arrival & Check In: Plan to arrive at the Upper School, front doors at 6:00 pm, you will be met by JS teachers in the rotunda who will escort your daughter to her appropriate waiting area while you secure a seat in the Brenda Robson Hall. Individual tickets have been issued for entry, please check in at the arrivals table.

Exiting the Auditorium: Please leave through the marked exits, specific instructions are outlined on the back page of the concert program.

Pick Up/Rendezvous: To avoid congestion at the conclusion of the concert, we ask that only one parent/adult collect students from the waiting areas indicated on the back page of the concert program.

ATHLETIC MESSAGE - From Annie Maki, JS Athletic Director
The December issue of Gator Zone is out. Read about our swim team, coaches, and our squad teams at the following link:

Is your daughter missing a mitten, water bottle, lunch bag, shoe(s) or more? All lost and found items have been organized on tables outside the gym - please drop by to see if anything belongs to your family. All unclaimed items will be donated to our community partner New Circles prior to closing for Christmas break.

If you are having difficulties accessing the Parent Portal on your mobile device, our IT Department has put together some helpful tips for you. For your convenience they offer this direct link to access this information:

Autumn Clubs are now all finished. Winter co-curricular clubs start the week of January 11, with the exception of ABT Ballet which starts on January 4. Verification slips with session dates were sent home with your daughter this week.

NEXT WEEK AT A GLANCE: December 14-17
Monday, December 14: Kindergarten Christmas Concert @ 2:00 pm (JS gym)(reception to follow)
Tuesday, December 15: Locker/Cubby/Desk Clean Out
Tuesday, December 15: Toasty Tuesday - Hot Chocolate served by Mrs. Dexter & Ms. White at short recess, yummy!
Wednesday, December 16: Grade 6 Lunch @ Upper School -  Hawkin's Dining Hall
Wednesday, December 16: Grades 1-6 Christmas Concert @ 6:30 pm (Brenda Robson Hall)
Thursday, December 17: JS Christmas Prayers @ 8:30 am (JS Gym)
Thursday, December 17: Whole School Red/Green Dress (casual dress/non-uniform)
Thursday, December 17: Christmas Prayers @ 8:30 am (JS Gym)
Thursday, December 17: Dismissal @ 3:30 pm, aftercare available until 6:00 pm

Friday, December 18 to Friday, January 1: Christmas Break (no school)
Monday, January 4: Back to school!

Friday 4 December 2015

Message From the Head of Junior School: December 4, 2015

Dear Parents,

The safety of students, parents, faculty, and staff is of the utmost importance and we take parent concerns seriously. Earlier this week I received the following letter from Kevin Daley, father of Kaitlyn in 3Y and Kyra in SK. His message is so important that I believe everyone should read it:

Dear Leslie Anne,
I am writing today to express my concern over pedestrian safety given what I have witnessed over the past few weeks as the weather has been turning cooler and frequently wet. At peak periods, drop-off and pick--up, there is a tremendous amount of traffic at the Junior School. This appears to be not only parents dropping off students to the Junior School but also parents dropping off students who then transit to the Upper/Middle School. Despite the fact that a sidewalk exists along the roadway, many students, and parents with students, choose to walk or run through the parking lot and frequently pop out from behind parked vehicles. This is particularly concerning when it is raining as the girls are often rushing at a time when visibility is also reduced. Vehicles dropping off students for the Upper and Middle Schools frequently drive down the parking lot to drop off passengers near the Kindergarten only to compound the problem while trying to turn around. There appears to be a blatant disregard for common sense safety practices in the interest of personal convenience. It is not my pervue to mandate the task for the Havergal security staff, however it seems more likely that an accident could occur within the parking lot area than at the front door of the Junior School. If student safety is their mandate, I believe their objectives and routine at the peak times could be reconsidered to provide greater traffic and student pedestrian control.

Kevin's concerns are certainly valid and I shared this letter with our Chief of Security Rob Stepien who also voiced his worries about safety while at school. He oversees a uniformed security guard who is present daily, and is stationed at the clock tower (or thereabouts) to act as a visual deterrent; however, his/her most important duty is to detect and act upon any external security related threat to students, parents, faculty and staff. They are trusted to perform this duty above all else, and they position themselves in various locations with this in mind. As they cannot be in all places at all times, this is where we need your help and common sense.

I strongly urge everyone to keep the following in mind:
- Always drive cautiously keeping in mind that children can be unpredictable, and sometimes dart in between cars, and greenery.
- Keep control of your children, walk on the sidewalk, hold hands, and guide them safely to avoid traffic.

If we all work together, we can make Havergal a safer place.

Leslie Anne

JS CHRISTMAS CONCERTS - Pick up tickets now!
Grades JK+SK - Monday, December 14 at 2:00 pm in the JS Gymnasium
Grades 1-6 - Wednesday, December 16 at 6:30 pm in the Brenda Robson Hall (Upper School)
Tickets for the grades 1-6 concert are available in the JS Office. Each family of students in grades 1-6 will be provided with 2 tickets to this event. Tickets are to be collected from the JS Office and students will be permitted to collect them on their parent's behalf. If you will not be using one or both of your tickets, we ask that you advise the office as soon as possible so the seats can be reassigned to a family requesting additional tickets. If you would like to request additional tickets, please ask the office to be put on the waitlist. All efforts will be made to accommodate as many as possible. We thank you for your understanding.

Girls in grades 4, 5, and 6 are taking part in the Forest of Reading Silver Birch Program. This includes 10 middle-grade novels written by Canadian authors. The program ends with an event in May at Harbourfront Center called the Festival of Trees, where authors are available for book signings and there are many fun activities, performers and events. It is an exciting day! Any student in the junior grades who reads 5 of the 10 books by mid-April is able to vote for their favourite (winner revealed at the Festival of Trees) and attend the event. The book club meets once a month to take part in fun activities and discuss the books in the program with each other and the teacher book ambassadors. The books are available through the Learning Hub, but you may also borrow copies form the public library, or purchase your own personal copies. Here is a link that includes all the titles:

If you are having difficulties accessing the Parent Portal on your mobile device, our IT Department has put together some helpful tips for you. For your convenience they offer this direct link to access this information:

CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS: Remaining Session Dates
ABT Ballet @ December 7 (session times advised by Ms. Wade)
Zodiactors @ December 7 performance @ 5:00 pm (Upper School)

Junior Choir & One Act Plays @ December 8

Primary Choir @ December 9

Thursdays: NO CLUBS

NEXT WEEK AT A GLANCE: December 7-11
Monday, December 7: Advent Prayers with the Reverend MacDonald
Monday, December 7: JS Pizza Lunch
Tuesday, December 8: HCPA Holiday Luncheon @ 12:00 pm (off-site)
Wednesday, December 9: Violin/Viola Christmas Recital @ 4:00 pm (Learning Hub)
Friday, December 11: JS Prayers - students of the One Act Plays Club will be performing their adapted version of the book: The Spirit of Christmas, by Nancy Tillman - parents are welcome!

Monday, December 14: Kindergarten Christmas Concert @ 2:00 pm (JS gym)(reception to follow)
Tuesday, December 15: Locker/Cubby/Desk Clean Out
Tuesday, December 15: Toasty Tuesday - Hot Chocolate at short recess, yummy!
Wednesday, December 16: Grade 6 Lunch @ Upper School -  Hawkin's Dining Hall
Wednesday, December 16: Grades 1-6 Christmas Concert @ 6:30 pm (Brenda Robson Hall)
Thursday, December 17: JS Christmas Prayers @ 8:30 am (JS Gym)
Thursday, December 17: Whole School Red/Green Dress (casual dress/non-uniform)
Thursday, December 17: Christmas Prayers @ 8:30 am (JS Gym)
Thursday, December 17: Dismissal @ 3:30 pm, aftercare available until 6:00 pm
Friday, December 18 to Friday, January 1: Christmas Break (no school)
Monday, January 4: Back to school!