Friday 20 November 2015

Message From the Head of Junior School: November 20, 2015

Dear Parents,

As report cards are coming out on Thursday, November 26, I would like to take this opportunity to explain the four levels of achievement that we use in the Junior School. Student work is assigned a mark based on the degree to which it meets the assignment and classwork expectations.

To determine a report card grade, teachers look at all the individual marks on assignments and classwork to determine the consistent pattern that is demonstrated on the entire body of work, with special emphasis on more recent work. Most generally the grade on the report card will be a Level 1 to Level 4.

Levels 1-4
 - Students who have work at level 1 are finding grade level expectations a challenge. They require significant support by the teacher in order to demonstrate their understanding and that understanding is at a basic level.
- Students who have work at level 2 are meeting grade level expectations. They require frequent support by the teacher in order to demonstrate their understanding.
- Students who have work at level 3 are meeting grade level expectations to a degree that we would expect for most of our students. They consistently can demonstrate their understanding at a competent level.
- Students who have work at level 4 are meeting grade level expectations independently and consistently without teacher support. Their understanding is well developed, deep, accurate and thorough. This means they have the ability to use their knowledge, skills and understandings flexibly and on their own.
- The code R is used to describe student work that is not yet meeting grade level expectations.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Leslie Anne

Co-curricular sign up forms for activities in the winter session have been distributed in hard copy to your daughter today. Please return the completed form to the JS office before Friday, December 4.

Our friends at New Circles have reached out to us for our support. Since moving to a larger space last year, they have been able to accommodate even more families. More clients means more demand, and New Circles is experiencing an unusual shortage of girls' clothing, winter coats and boots of all sizes. With winter fast approaching, the HC community will be collecting gently used items throughout the month of November. Collection boxes will be set up outside the Learning Hub. Coats, snow-pants, boots, hats, mittens, clothing and (new) socks and underwear of all sizes are all greatly appreciated. To learn more about this valued Community Partner, please visit their website:

In an effort to assist our Junior School families, for whom English is a second language, with a better understanding of what goes in inside our ivy-covered walls, we invite you to join us for a coffee morning in the Learning Hub on Thursday, December 3 from 10:00-11:30 am. We will begin the event with some words of welcome from our Principal, Mrs. Helen-Kay Davy, followed by a brief presentation from senior faculty and staff including:
- Leslie Anne Dexter, Head of Junior School
- Seonaid Davis, Director of Curriculum and Faculty Development
- Heather Johnstone, Head of Guidance
- Louise Yearwood, Executive Director of Advancement and Community Relations
Parents are welcome and encouraged to ask questions. We are pleased to offer translators at this session for all those who RSVP with a language request. Please RSVP by November 27 to Sara Ly at or call 416.483.3843 extension 6915.

CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS: Remaining Session Dates
ABT Ballet @ November 30, December 7 (session times advised by Ms. Wade)
Chess Lunch Club & Basketball Clinic @  November 30
Zodiactors @ November 30, with a performance on December 7

Tuesdays: Autumn clubs finished

Wednesdays: Autumn clubs finished

Fashion Design, Junior Journalists, Science & Video Games Design Clubs @ November 26, December 3

NEXT WEEK AT A GLANCE: November 23-27
Monday, November 23: Grade 6 parents tour Upper School
Wednesday, November 25: JS Head For A Day - Avery Southam!
Thursday, November 26: Grade 6 parents tour Upper School
Thursday, November 26: JS Report cards available