Friday 9 June 2017

Message from Head of Junior School - June 9, 2017

Dear JS Parents,

This week our Grade 6 girls celebrated their final week at the Junior school, with the Crossing the Bridge Luncheon.  This is a special lunch to celebrate their journey into grade 7, and "Crossing the Bridge" to the Upper School. Even though the weather was rainy, it did not keep their spirits down!  We had a fabulous time at our indoor version of Crossing the Bridge Lunch. 

Also this week, on Thursday you may have noticed Caroline and Allie Book enjoying a tasty treat and fancy beverage as your drove through at dismissal. The “Junior School Dismissal Chairs” was one of the auction items from Celebration Saturday. The girls sat in the lap of luxury! 

We are looking forward to the final two days of the school year with Closing Ceremonies and our Grade 6 Celebrations!

Leslie Anne Dexter

Please Note:                                                                      


  • Morning and After Gator Care Available
  • Final day of Rose Reisman lunch available @ HC
  • Grade Six Celebration at 4:00 pm – 5:30 p.m. in JS Gym
    • Grade 6 families invited to attend
    • Grade 6 students to wear #1 Dress to school all day

  • AM Gator Care available at 7:15-8:00 am
  • NO PM Gator Care available
  • No lunch at school – please ensure that your daughter brings a nourishing snack to sustain her through the morning
  • 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. JS Closing Ceremony in Brenda Robson Hall (Upper School)
    • Student Dress: #1 Concert Dress (long sleeved white blouse; hair pinned back from the face using a small plain hair accessory without colour or embellishment, tights)
    • All families invited to attend
    • Refreshments served at JS following the conclusion of the Closing Ceremony
    • Dismissal is from the Junior School at the conclusion of the ceremony, at approximately 12:30 pm.

Coordinator for Mathematics Professional Learning, Innovation and Research
  • We are pleased to announce that Kathy Kubota Zarivnij has accepted the position of Coordinator for Mathematics Professional Learning, Innovation and Research, effective September 2017. The work of the Coordinator for Mathematics Professional Learning, Innovation and Research includes the planning and implementation of mathematics professional learning in alignment with the current Strategic Plan, Havergal 2020.  Kathy has a wide experience in education in general and math education in particular.  She is currently the principal of St. Stephen’s School with the TCDSB. She has been the Principal of Program, Mathematics Coordinator, K-12, a Professional Learning Facilitator and Program Design Leader, worked for the Ministry of Education in the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat as a Student Achievement Officer, K-6 Numeracy.  In addition, Kathy has taught courses at York and OISE as well as working with Ontario Association of Mathematics Educators.  She has an Honours BSC. in Psychology and Mathematics, a Master of Education from OISE, and additional qualifications in Mathematics, Special Education, and Religious Education. Kathy is currently completing her PhD in Math Education with York University. 

  • We are still looking for a few more parents to volunteer to be part of our Welcome Family Program. A Havergal Welcome Family is a volunteer group of current parents who develop connections with new Junior School families through emails and/or phone calls from mid-June until late October. It would be great to have a few more of our SK and Grade Two parents come forward to welcome our incoming Grade One and Grade Three families.  
  • To join the Welcome Family, please click on the link below and add your name to the Google form before Monday June 5th, 2017. 

  • To learn more about the Zodiac Swim School classes, please click HERE.

Havergal Summer Reading Bingo Challenge
  • Complete the challenges on this bingo card and send us pictures as you go along to share your success. You will be eligible for different prizes depending on the number of challenges you complete.  
  • All picture  must be submitted August 31 , 2017
Click here for more information
Click here for a printable BINGO Card

Ways to send us your photos:
  • Facebook: direct message to Havergal
  • lnstagram: direct message to Havergal
  • Twitter: use the @HavergalCollege Twitter handle and the #HCreads hashtag
  • Email: or
  • Please remember to include your name with each photo, along with the hashtag of the challenge you have completed
By now your daughter should have received a summer reading list. You can also access the lists through these links: 

  • We still have a few pairs of LazyPants sweatpants that the HCPA is selling on a first come, first served basis.  If you would like to buy a pair (we have only a couple in each size), we have children’s size 10, 12 and 14 and adult sizes XS, S, M, L, XL.  Please email Jennifer Newton indicating size and providing your daughter’s student number.  Youth sizes are $68 and adults sizes are $96.  Pick up arrangements will be made upon confirmation of your order.

  • Junior School families can now participate in the Used Books Collection & Consignment, also known as the "Upper School Used Textbook Collection and Sale".  This consignment sale is through the Canadian School Book Exchange (CSBE) where parents can drop off their books at Havergal for the CSBE to sell over the summer.  The best part is that not only will you receive a cheque when your books sell, but Havergal will also receive some of the proceeds of the sale!  This is a great opportunity to declutter while recycling your gently used books.  In past years, this amazing sale has raised between $22,000 to $30,000 with proceeds going to the Havergal College Parent Association, funding many of our parent engagement initiatives and also supporting the Limitless Campaign.  It's one of our biggest fundraisers!  Please bring in any gently used books and help us reach our goals.

Used Book Collection:
Here are the 3 easy steps to take when consigning your books with the Canadian School Book Exchange (CSBE):
1)   If you are an Upper School family and have previously participated in this before, check your email as CSBE will be sending you a barcode if you had placed an order with them this 2016-2017 school year.  (Junior School families who have not done this before, Don’t worry… if you do not have a barcode, CSBE will create one for you on the day you arrive)
2)   Bring your barcode (if you have one) and all of your books to the collection day
3)   A CSBE representative at the collection will provide you with stickers to attach to the back of your books

Location:              Legacy Theatre (Upper School)
Dates/Times:      Wednesday, June 14 (11:30am – 1:30pm)
                              Thursday, June 15 (7:30am – 1:00pm)
Bring:                    ALL BOOKS (School and non-school related)

Please note:
CSBE will accept ANY books (in good condition and that have not been written in) you wish to sell on consignment. Bring in all of your school and non-school related books to sell, including children's books, novels, coffee table books, university books etc... If there is a market to sell them, CSBE will do so!

* Havergal will not be accepting any books at the school after these dates but you can still either arrange shipping direct to CSBE or wait until CSBE is back at Havergal in October. We will keep you posted on the date. 

Junior School textbooks belong to Havergal Junior School and should be returned to the classroom teacher at the end of the year.  Those textbooks in Junior School should not be taken to this collection and sale.

Used Book Sale:
Once the CSBE has your books, they will sell them over the summer on consignment in an efficient and fair manner. As your books sell, the CSBE will send your payment directly to you. The CSBE will also take back books that have been on the curriculum within the last five years, even if they are not on Havergal’s curriculum the next year. Please note that net proceeds from the used textbook sales support Havergal, which directly benefits all students.

Please contact with any questions.

HCPA: Communications Convenor Position Available
Join your fellow dynamic parents on the Havergal College Parent Association (HCPA) as Junior School Communications Convenor for 2017/18 school year.

The successful candidate should have excellent written communication skills and be frequently connected to email.  

For more information, please contact Robyn Spector at

    This Week at Havergal Junior School                              

    Monday, June 12 (Day 7)
    • 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Grade 6 Celebration Rehearsal in JS Gym
    • 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Grade 6 Celebration

    Tuesday, June 13 (Day 8)
    • 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.  JS Closing Rehearsal in BRH  - After the rehearsal, students return to the school for snack and washroom break, and quiet reading in class
    • 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  JS Closing Ceremony in BRH, Reception back at JS

     Have a wonderful Summer!