Friday 10 June 2016

Message From the Head of Junior School: June 10, 2016

Dear Parents,

The school year is almost over. As we go into our final few days of school next week there's still much to know. Both days are very full, so I would like to offer the information below to keep us all on track.

Leslie Anne Dexter

- Student Dress: Grades JK - 5 in regular HC uniform
- Student Dress: Grade 6 in # 1 uniform
- AM Gator Care available at 7:15-8:00 am
- Final day of Rose Reisman lunch available @ HC
- Grade Six Celebration at 4:00 pm (see below), all family members invited
- PM Gator Care available at 4:00-6:00 pm

- AM Gator Care available at 7:15-8:00 am
- Student Dress: Grades JK - 6 in # 1 Concert Dress (see below)
- JS Closing Ceremony at 11:00-12:30 pm (see below)
- The school year concludes at the end of the Closing Ceremony, approximately 12:30 pm
- No lunch at school, please ensure that your daughter brings a nourishing snack
- Refreshments served at JS following the conclusion of the Closing Ceremony
- No PM Gator Care available

Student Dress: Grade Six only - #1 uniform
On Monday, June 13 we recognize our leaving Grade 6 girls at a special Grade Six Celebration at 4:00-5:30 pm in the JS gymnasium. Grade Six girls are asked to wear their #1 uniform to school as this is a formal occasion.

JS CLOSING CEREMONY - TUESDAY, JUNE 14 at 11:00-12:30 pm
Student Dress: Grades JK-6 - #1 Concert Dress
The 2015-2016 school year officially wraps up at the conclusion of our Closing Ceremony in the Brenda Robson Hall in the Upper School on Tuesday, June 14. This is a formal occasion, so it is important to note the following:
  • Student dress: Grades JK-6 dress in #1 Concert Attire, consisting of #1 uniform with a long sleeved white blouse, and special attention to her hair. Hair should be pinned back from the face using a small hair accessory without colour or embellishment, hairbands, barrettes/pins should be small, plain and minimalistic.
  • Dismissal is from the Junior School at the conclusion of the ceremony, at approximately 12:30 pm.
  • No lunch at school! Please ensure that your daughter brings a nourishing/filling snack to sustain her throughout the morning.
  • A light refreshment will be offered at the Junior School (labyrinth area) following the ceremony.
  • No Gator Care available.

Parents, now is a great time to take a look at all the information in your family's portal. Most importantly, please ensure that we have your daughter's most up-to-date and accurate OHIP number on record in the event of an emergency.

Attention: Current Grade 3 & 4 Parents
On Wednesday, September 7, girls in grades 4 and 5 (2016-17 school year) will travel to Mansfield Outdoor Education Centre to spend a day participating in group bonding exercises and fun team-building activities. This past Wednesday a permission form was sent home in both hard copy, and an electronic version was emailed to you for your convenience. We ask that these forms be signed and returned to the Junior School office as soon as possible.

This year, one of our school-wide goals was to ensure that each of our students read more every day. As a result, we have seen many students strengthen their reading habits and improve their overall literacy development. Besides being a wonderful way to spend her time, continued reading over the summer will help your daughter be well prepared for school in September. For inspiration and encouragement while they are away, we are having a reading photo challenge! We are asking the girls to send in pictures of themselves reading over the course of the summer. Submissions will be posted on various social media platforms and will be included in a photo collage for the entire community to enjoy when we return to school in the fall. Each submission will also get your daughter entered into a draw for fun and exciting prizes.

Photos can be direct messaged to Havergal as follows:
Photos can emailed to:

It has been a wonderful reading year in the Learning Hub! With the Forest of Reading Book Club, an author visit from Sarah Mlynowski, the Mabel's Fables Book Fair, and thousands of books borrowed and read, we have discovered new favourite authors, and grown our learning on a variety of subjects. Our Book Drive for the Children's Book Bank was also a huge success, with over 1,500 book donated by our HC community. This year I had a wonderful group of parent volunteers who dedicated hours of their time to help keep the Learning Hub organized and operating smoothly. Thank you very much to: Bahar Salivar, Kara Brodribb, Vicky Hu, Cathy Sturdee, Laura Gillis, Lesley Chisholm, Jade Wu, Catriona Prole, Sophia Yi and Leeye Lam.

On May 20, students saw a presentation that included a sneak peek at the summer reading lists. Each student has received a hard copy to bring home. You can also find them at the following links:

For students in grades 4, 5, and 6, Havergal also has an ebook collection that students may borrow from over the summer. Go to and log in using your daughter's HC computer login and password. You will find helpful 'Getting Started' guides on the 'Help' page. I am also available over the summer via email at should you have any questions. Happy Reading!

The G&G Shop at the Junior School is now officially closed for the school year, but the Green and Gold Shop at the Upper School will remain open until Friday, June 17 at 4:00 pm. They then close to restock and will re-open on Tuesday, August 2. Their hours at that time will be:
Monday-Thursday @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Friday @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

The tables outside the gym are piled high with found uniform pieces, lunch bags, water bottles and much more. Please ask your daughter to take a look to see if anything belongs to her as unclaimed items will be donated to our community partner, New Circles.

Are you interested in representing your daughter's class next year as a Grade Rep? Please contact JS Volunteer Co-ordinator, Niamh Stewart, mother of Freya, 5C at and indicate your daughter's name and grade. Interested volunteers will be notified during the early weeks of summer by JS Grade Rep Co-convenors Michelle Lalonde and Dana Rippon.

Calling all Junior School parents! We are still looking for volunteers to be a part of our Welcome Family program. Welcome Families are assigned one of our new JS families and are asked to connect with them over the summer by phone and email to give them a sense of belonging even before they arrive on their daughter's first day of school in September. Please click the following link to join this wonderful and worthwhile program that supports our new families as they transition to the HC community.

Monday, June 13: Grade 6 Celebration @ 4:00 pm (more info above)
Tuesday, June 14: JS Closing Ceremony @ 11:00 am in Brenda Robson Hall (more info above)
Back to school: Tuesday, September 6!

Friday 3 June 2016

Message From the Head of Junior School: June 3, 2016

Dear Parents,

As we near the end of the 2015-2016 school year, there is a lot of information to be aware of and this blog is full of need-to-know details. I encourage you to make sure that you read it from beginning to end.

Leslie Anne Dexter

The 2015-2016 school year officially wraps up at the conclusion of our Closing Ceremony in the Brenda Robson Hall in the Upper School on Tuesday, June 14. This is a formal occasion, so it is important to note the following:
  • Student dress: Grades JK-6 dress in #1 Concert Attire, consisting of #1 uniform with a long sleeved white blouse, and special attention to her hair. Hair should be pinned back from the face using a small hair accessory without colour or embellishment, hairbands, barrettes/pins should be small, plain and minimalistic.
  • Dismissal is from the Junior School at the conclusion of the ceremony, at approximately 12:30 pm.
  • No lunch at school! Please ensure that your daughter brings a nourishing/filling snack to sustain her throughout the morning.
  • A light refreshment, consisting of cake and lemonade will be offered at the Junior School (labyrinth area) following the ceremony.
  • No Gator Care available.

This year, one of our school-wide goals was to ensure that each of our students read more every day. As a result, we have seen many students strengthen their reading habits and improve their overall literacy development. Besides being a wonderful way to spend her time, continued reading over the summer will help your daughter be well prepared for school in September. For inspiration and encouragement while they are away, we are having a reading photo challenge! We are asking the girls to send in pictures of themselves reading over the course of the summer. Submissions will be posted on various social media platforms and will be included in a photo collage for the entire community to enjoy when we return to school in the fall. Each submission will also get your daughter entered into a draw for fun and exciting prizes.

Photos can be direct messaged to Havergal as follows:
Photos can emailed to:
Also, keep an eye out for our Librarian Erica Rodd's summer reading lists, which will be coming home to you in the coming weeks.

Thank you to the Grade Six leaving girls for their thoughtful and generous gift of a new outdoor basketball net that will bring joy to many for years to come. This gift is their way of saying 'thank you' to the JS for years of learning, laughter and joy! For more pictures, please visit:

Also, parents please mark your calendars to remember that on Monday, June 13 we recognize our leaving Grade 6 girls at a special Grade Six Celebration at 4:00-5:30 pm. Grade Six girls are asked to wear their #1 uniform to school as this is a formal occasion.

This past Monday, Grade 5 students Isabel Griffin-Sobotik, Sarah Hunt and Taylor Neldner presented the Forest of Reading Prayers. Forest of Reading is a Canada-wide, multi-levelled reading incentive program where students read Canadian books and vote for their favourites. While our youngest students enjoyed sharing the ten picture book nominees, students from grades 4 to 6 read from a list of ten nominated novels. Sixty two of our students read five or more of the novels, making them eligible to vote for their favourite. In the end, Canada agreed with Havergal and chose the same top three books as we did in our school vote! Congratulations to everyone who participated, took chances with new books and stayed committed to the challenge.

Last call to get your HC shopping done!
  • The G&G Shop at the Junior School will close on Friday, June 10 at 9:00 am.
  • The Green and Gold Shop at the Upper School will close on Friday, June 17 at 4:00 pm, and will re-open on Tuesday, August 2.

It's time to think of summer clean up! On Friday, June 10 your daughter is asked to bring all personal items home - please help her by sending in a large bag to tote her belongings in. Lost and found items will be arranged on tables outside the gym at this time, so please don't forget to take a look to see if your daughter's uniform pieces, lunch bags, water bottles or anything else that she may be missing. Unclaimed items will be donated to our community partner, New Circles.

Are you interested in representing your daughter's class next year as a Grade Rep? Please contact JS Volunteer Co-ordinator, Niamh Stewart, mother of Freya, 5C at and indicate your daughter's name and grade. Interested volunteers will be notified during the early weeks of summer by JS Grade Rep Co-convenors Michelle Lalonde and Dana Rippon.

Calling all Junior School parents! We are still looking for volunteers to be a part of our Welcome Family program. Welcome Families are assigned one of our new JS families and are asked to connect with them over the summer by phone and email to give them a sense of belonging even before they arrive on their daughter's first day of school in September. Please click the following link to join this wonderful and worthwhile program that supports our new families as they transition to the HC community.
All co-curricular activities have concluded, with the exception of the SIT session scheduled for Wednesday, June 8 @ 7:45 am
Monday, June 6: JS Pizza lunch @ 11:50 am
Thursday, June 9: Retirement Prayers, Saying Good-Bye to Leta Dayfoot @ 8:30 am
Friday, June 10: JS Final Prayers @ 8:30 am
Friday, June 10: Locker/Cubby/Desk Clean Out
Monday, June 13: Grade 6 Celebration @ 4:00 pm (more info above)
Tuesday, June 14: JS Closing Ceremony @ 11:00 am in Brenda Robson Hall (more info above)